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"Oh my god..." Ariana whispered, covering her mouth as she scrolled through her phone.

"What?" Mac asked.

"Carrie Fisher just died," she said as she got up from the couch.

"What? No way."

"Heart attack," she said as she left the room, scrolling through her contacts.

"Hello?" A raspy voice answered.



"I'm so, so, so sorry..."

"Thanks. It's still really... weird."

"I know... where are you?"

"Home. Coroner already took her to the morgue."

"Can I come over?"

"Only if you bring the baby."

Ariana laughed. "Alright. I'll be there soon. Hang tight okay? Give Debbie my love."

"Thanks. See you soon."

Ariana hung up and walked back into the living room. "I'm going to Billie's. I'm taking Stella. You're in charge of Mac. No sweets. He's had diarrhea all morning. He's in a pull up until it clears up."

"Alright. See you later."


"How are you? Really," Ariana said.

"I don't know," Billie said. "I don't know what to think or how to feel. She was my mom. How do you react when your mom dies?"

"You do what makes you feel better. Cry. Scream. Yell. Throw a fit."

"That's childish."

"No one cares how childish it is. Have you cried yet?"

Billie nodded. "My throat hurts. My stomach is upset. My eyes are tired."

Ariana ran her hand over Billie's shoulder. "I was the same way when my Granddad died. I'll be here for whatever you need, okay? No matter what."

"I appreciate it."

"I know you do. What do you think about a sleepover? You can come to mine or Stella and I can stay here. Get your mind off stuff until you have to deal with it again."

"I'd like that."

"Yours or mine?"

"How bout yours? You don't have your stuff here, I can just pack what I need. And besides, I miss Malcolm. He was my little buddy on Scream Queens."

"Great. Stella Joan. Don't touch Aunt Billie's TV that thing is more valuable than your life," Ariana said as she stood up.


"Malcolm!" Ariana called out as she and Billie walked into the house.

"Yeah," Mac said. "In the kitchen."

Ariana led Billie to the kitchen and kissed Mac's lips lightly before walking to Malcolm and kissing his head. "Billie's gonna stay over for a night or two, can you grab her stuff from the car?"

"Sure. How's it going Billie?"

"Could be better," Billie said.

"I'm sorry about your mom. If you need anything we're a call away."


As Mac left the room, Ariana put Stella in her high chair and Malcolm got down from his stool and ran to Billie.

"Hi Aunt Billie," he said as she picked him up.

"Hey kid, how you been?" Billie asked.

"Good. Did your mommy really die?"

"Malcolm," Ariana said.

Billie nodded. "Yeah, she did."

"Do you think she's in heaven?" Malcolm asked.

"I hope so."

"I think she's in Alderaan."

Billie smiled. "You know what, I bet she is. I didn't think about that."

"She'll be okay. Princess Leia is always okay."

"You're right."

"Maybe she'll come back to earth and visit some day."

"Maybe. We can always hope for it."

"Can I come watch you on Scream Queens again?"

"Maybe. If your mom has time to come visit then I'm sure Ryan would be happy to see you."

"I miss Jamie. She always gave me candy. She was really nice."

"She's a pretty nice lady."

"Mac, how bout you go wash your hands for dinner and try to go potty. Are you still in your pull ups?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah, daddy said I had to leave them on for a few days."

"Just until your tummy stops acting up. Go on."

Billie put Malcolm down and she sat at the island next to Stella as Ariana sat on the other side.

"I didn't know he was gonna ask, I'm sorry," Ariana said.

"It's fine. I like the way he put it. She's in Alderaan. That was cute."

"He always says he's gonna marry Leia when he's old enough."

"She would have held him to it."

"Damn Billie what do you have in these things, bricks?" Mac asked as he walked into the kitchen and towards the living room.

"Hair appliances."

"Same thing."

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