Twenty One

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"Oh my god Wilder..." Ariana said, placing her hands on her cheeks as she saw the mess in her son's crib. "Mac! I'm gonna need your help with this," she called out.

"With what?" Mac asked.

"Wilder's diaper exploded."

Mac appeared at the door with a grin. "Sounds gross."

"It is. I'll give him a bath if you throw away this diaper and rinse the sheet out and throw it in the washer. Bath time is gonna be messier."


"Put the plastic liner on the changing table so I don't get it messy. I need to clean him up a little before I put him in the tub."

After Mac got the liner on the table, Ariana took the diaper off of her son and laid him down before starting to clean him up with the wipes. "When you're done with that will you change the girls? I'll do it if I'm done first but they've been sleeping a while so they're gonna be wet."

"I'll get them, don't worry about it."

"And give Stella a bottle. She's been wanting to nurse all day but I haven't had time to yet."

"I'll get the kids fed, you worry about him. What time is Juniors appointment tomorrow?"

"Uh... nine. I have Liz sitting for Stella and Chelsea but I wanna take the babies so their name sake can meet them."


"Mommy!" Junior yelled. "Mommy! Daddy!"

Ariana looked at Mac for a few seconds. "That's his serious voice. Something happened."

Mac hurried out of the room and Ariana quickly put a diaper on Wilder before putting the screaming infant in his sheetless crib.

"I'll be right back buddy, just gimme a minute," she said before running out of the room and downstairs. "What's going on?"

"Stella got outside and she's in the road," Junior said.

Ariana darted outside, fear immediately setting in her chest. "Stella! Stella!"

The second she heard her little girl screaming and crying, she immediately ran towards Mac and took her from him. "What happened!"

"She's fine," Mac said. "She's okay, she's just mad."

"She's not hurt?" She asked, looking her over.

"No. This guy stopped when he saw her in the street and he picked her up and wouldn't let her get down so she's pissed. She's fine."

"Oh my god, Stella. Mommy almost had a heart attack," she said before looking towards the man Mac gestures to. "Thank you so mu - Sean?"

"Hey," Sean said. "She does not like me, I can tell you that much."

"She doesn't like anybody bigger than her daddy, she's a big wimp."

"She's cute."

"Yeah, we think so too. What were you doing in the neighborhood?"

"I'm moving and I found a box of your stuff. I just brought it over. Some of it's just little stuff but some of its things that Nonna gave you so I figured I'd bring it by. Found one of your old suspended licenses too."

"Yeah that's really gonna come in handy."

"You wanna come in?" Mac asked. "We had a little situation with the babies but you can come in and y'all can catch up."

"Yeah, you can meet all the kids."

"All? How many kids you got, Grande?" Sean asked.


"God damn."

"Only five of them are ours."

"Did you steal one?"

"No she's my sister. We're just keeping her until Mom gets back."

"Momma Grande had a baby? Damn."

"She did, she's kind of a brat too. Nothing like this brat though," she said, tickling Stella lightly, only to get smacked in the chest. "Are you trying to get your ass beat today Joan?"

"She's trying real hard," Mac said.


"Mommy, Chelsea's grumpy," Junior said.

"She's probably hungry. You wanna go get a bottle from the fridge and put it in the bottle warmer? Not the microwave," Ariana said.

"Okay. Can I feed her?"


As Junior ran out of the room, Ariana looked over to Sean, who was holding Makayla. "How's she doing?"

"Sleeping like a log. I hope my kids are this easy," Sean said.

"She'll be awake at three in the morning. She's the one that always wakes up. The other two don't."

"Here Momma, Wilders all clean but he's hungry," Mac said as he handed Wilder to her from behind the couch.

"Hi, my little prince," Ariana said as she kissed Wilder's head.

"What do you think Sean, have the kids made you decide not to have any?"

Sean laughed. "Nah man, they're great. That little boy y'all got is more responsible with these kids than I ever could be with my own."

"He's used to it. We've always included him in things," Ariana said. "Mac! Where's the bottle!"

"Right here," Junior said as he walked into the room shaking a bottle.

"Okay. Can you take her out of her bumbo and put her in her bouncer? Carefully."

"You let him pick them up?" Sean asked.

"He's careful. It's just little stuff, we don't let him walk around the house with them or anything."

"That's impressive little dude."

"I know," Junior said as he picked Chelsea up and placed her in her bouncer seat before buckling her in. "Chelsea Chels, wanna bottle?"

Ariana smiled as she watched him for a few seconds before Wilder let out a small squawk, causing her to snort lightly. "Okay, bossy," she said. She lifted her shirt up and I clipped her bra cup, getting Wilder latched onto her breast before letting her shirt rest against it to cover herself.

"You good with them Mom?" Mac asked.

"Yeah. Where's Shelby?"

Mac pointed towards the playpen. "With Stella."

"Really? Get one of them out of there. Stella's mean."

"She is not she just tries to love on them."

"Stella Joan get your damn finger out of her nose. Go get Shelby and leave Stella in there."

As Mac took the baby out of the playpen, Stella started crying, causing Ariana to sigh and look at Sean. "Don't have kids. It's a trap."

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