twenty six

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ariana sighed as she walked through the door of her house, followed by joan. "home sweet home, i've missed this place," joan said.

"me too," ariana said. "mccormick's! where are my minions!"

"mommy!" junior shouted as he ran down the stairs.

"do not run, do you wanna end up in another coma?"

"no," he said as he jumped off the last two steps and ran to them. "i missed you, mommy," he said as he hugged her legs.

"i missed you too baby. nonna is back home."

"nonna!" he said, hugging joan.

"hi baby, how's my sweet boy?"


"where are the big girls?" ariana asked.

"in the play pen in the playroom."

"go tell daddy we're home."

"kay kay," he said running out of the room as ariana and joan went to the play room.

ariana walked to the playpen and picked chelsea up, kissing her cheek. "hi sissy. mommy's home, you wanna see her?"

"god, she's grown so much," joan said as she took her daughter. "hi baby girl."

chelsea stared at her for a few seconds before she started crying and reaching for ariana. "mama!"

"that is mama honey," ariana said.


ariana sighed and took chelsea, resting her on her hip as her crying stopped. "we've been trying to get her to say sissy but she can barely say mama, so it's proven to be a challenge."

"i get it," joan said. "she hasn't seen me in months. you've been mama this whole time so that's what she calls you. she just calls it like she sees it."

"we're gonna work on it with her."

"don't stress over it baby girl. i know."

"i would be pissed and heartbroken if my kids were calling someone else mom."

"you've been her mom all these months. and i can't thank you enough for it. you've done way more than any sister should have to."

"still. i'd be upset."

"is she still breastfeeding?"

"only when she wakes up or is in the mood. she hasn't been much lately."

"how about stella?"

"every chance she gets."


"mm... that hurts," ariana said, running her hand over her stomach.

"are you okay?" mac asked.

"i just got a contraction."

"you're not due yet. do you wanna go to the hospital?"

"if it happens again then yeah but not right now. it's the first one."

"are you sure?"


"are you having another one?"

ariana shook her head, swaying slightly back and forth s she let out a slow breath. "it's the same one."

"that's a long contraction."

"i know."

"you still have it?"

ariana nodded, running her hands over her face for a few seconds. after a few more seconds passed she grabbed macs arm with a sharp gasp, leaning against him for support. "okay, take me. now, we have to leave right now."

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