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"Ariana," Liz said, shaking her awake. "Ari. Your phone was ringing, it's the hospital."

"Mm," Ariana groaned.

"Are you awake?"

Ariana took a deep breath, yawning as she opened her eyes. "Hm?"

"The hospital is on the phone. It's about Malcolm."

Ariana sat up, pulling her sheet up to cover her chest as she took the phone from Liz. "Wake Mac up," she said putting the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Ariana? It's Shelby."

"Hi, what's going on?"

"You need to get to the hospital right away."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you more when you get here."

"We'll be there in thirty minutes," she sad before hanging up. "Liz you're on Stella duty," she said as she got out of bed and slid Mac's shirt on.

"What's going on?" Mac asked.

"Shelby said to get to the hospital right now."

"Is he okay?"

"She won't tell us until we get there."


Ariana bit her nails, her leg bouncing up and down rapidly as she leaned on her knees. "I'm scared, Mac."

"I know. Me too."

"What do we do?"

"We wait."

"Mac, Ariana," Shelby said as she walked into the waiting room.

"Is he okay?" Ariana asked.

"Come with me."

Mac and Ariana stood, following Shelby down the hallway to Malcolm's room. She stopped them at the door.

"Now listen. It's shocking. It's abnormal. It's not heard of," Shelby said as she let the door open.

"What is it?" Ariana asked.

"Mommy!" Malcolm said.

Ariana's breath caught in her throat as tears filled her eyes, seeing her son sitting up in his bed, talking to a nurse. She rushed past Shelby and let out a sob, hugging her son and kissing him repeatedly.

"Oh my god, my baby," she whispered. "Are you okay? Do you feel alright?"

"I'm fine, Mommy," Malcolm said. "Why are you crying?"

"Because Mommy was scared," she said, picking him up.

"How come? I was just sleeping."

"You slept for a really long time, honey."

"How long?"


"Is that a long time?"

"It's a very long time."

"Hey buddy," Mac said, kissing his head. "We've missed you at the house."

"I miss my race car bed," Malcolm said.

Ariana let out a small laugh. "Well, you'll get to sleep in your race car bed in no time," she said before looking at Shelby. "When can we take him home?"

"Well, I wanna keep him about a week longer," she said.

"A week?"

"Just to keep monitoring him and making sure his vitals are okay. I'm gonna have him sleeping with a sleep apnea device just so he has the extra support."

"I don't want another tube in my throat," Malcolm said.

"It won't go down your throat, honey. It's a mask that goes over your nose and that's connected to a tube that goes to a machine that will help you breathe."

"But I'm breathing right now."

"Yeah but you weren't breathing on your own at all for a really long time," Ariana said. "Shelby's just gonna do this to help you at night for a while."

"Will it hurt?"

"Not at all," Shelby said. "It might not be very comfortable but it'll keep you from stop breathing. You'll be on it at home for a while but it won't be forever."


"Yes sir."

"I wanna see Stella. Aunt Nonna. And Auntie Liz and Uncle Frankie."

"You'll see them soon enough."

"Will I see Nonna, Mommy?"

"Yep. And guess what," Ariana said.


"Nonna's having a baby. She'll be here in a few months."

"A baby? Like when you had Stella in your tummy?"

"Yeah just like that."

"But I thought you had to do the sex thing for that."

Ariana, Mac and Shelby laughed.

"You do," she said.

"Nonna does that?" Malcolm asked scrunching his nose.

"She's allowed to. She's an adult."


"Well how do you think you and Stella were made?"


Ariana laughed and kissed his head. "You'll be home soon. I promise."

"That's what Granddad said."



"Granddad didn't come up honey, he hasn't had the chance yet."

"Grandpa Grande. Nonna's husband."

Ariana looked at Mac for a few seconds before looking at Malcolm again. "Are you talking about my Granddad?"

"Yeah the one you wrote the song for."

"My Everything?"


"He's dead, honey. He lives in Heaven."

"I know. I was there. He told me I had to go home cause I was only allowed to visit."

"What else did he say?"

"That he loves all of us. And to give Nonna and Nonna a hug for him. And that he misses all of us."


"Uh huh. And he said for you to not be so sad that he's gone. He's happy."

Ariana smiled as tears filled her eyes. "He always was happy... did he say anything else?"

"He said stop worrying. You're a good mommy."

"Am I?"

"Yeah. You're the best mommy."

"Well I think Nonna is the best mommy."

"No she's the best Nonna. You're the best mommy. I win."

"Why do you win?"

"Cause Granddad says the Grande guys always win."

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