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It had been just about two months since Ariana started the tour. While she got bigger, moving around on stage got more difficult but the fans didn't seem to mind. She hadn't had any problems with the pregnancy and being on tour lately so her doctor gave her the okay to continue performing.

"Chelsea Ariana," Ariana said as she took her sister from Mac. "What is with you, little girl? I fed you fifteen minutes ago."

"I think she's just cranky," Mac said.

"She misses Mom."

Ariana and Mac had been taking care of Chelsea for a little over two weeks by this point. Joan went to Florida to help Nonna because she was sick.

As Chelsea sobbed, she buried her face into Ariana's chest. Ariana kissed her head and patted her diaper lightly before feeling the front. "Oh, that's what it is. She needs a diaper change, Bubba Mac."

"Give her here. I'll do it."

"Ariana, you're in stage in two minutes," a stagehand said.

"I'll come back here after the show's over and feed her again. Just keep a binky in her mouth and get her to sleep. I love you," she said, kissing Mac's lips. "Where are Junior and Stella?"

"With Alexa. Junior had to pee and Stella needed a change."

"Alright. I'll be back."


"This is the part where I say I don't want you," Ariana sang. "I'm stronger than I've been before, this is the part where I break free, cause I can't resi---" she stopped singing, feeling a gush of fluid flow down her legs. She looked down at the stage and stepped back so she wouldn't slip, motioning for one of her dancers to help her. "My water just broke, concerts over," she said into Gabby's ear.

"Let's get you back stage," Gabby said, wrapping her arm around Ariana's waist to help her off stage.

"This is the part where my water breaks free, y'all," Ariana said into the microphone before handing it to someone else.

As soon as she was backstage, Gabby helped her sit down on a couch as Alexa and Mac rushed toward her.

"What happened?" Mac asked.

"My water broke on stage," Ariana's voice cracked. "The babies are coming and they're coming fast, I have a lot of pressure and I feel like I'm starting to crown."

"Fuck. Someone call an ambulance," he said kneeling in front of her. "Lex, help me get her shorts off."

While Alexa got behind Ariana, she helped her lift her body as Mac pulled her shorts and underwear off.

"How's she looking?" Alexa asked.

"I see a head trying to make an appearance. We need to get her in a comfortable position."

"Knees," Ariana said. "I delivered Stella on my knees and it was easier."

"Knees it is. Let's get her turned around."

Mac and Alexa helped Ariana stand on her knees on the couch. Alexa stayed beside her while Mac stayed in front, holding onto her waist while she steadied herself with his shoulders.

"I need to push," Ariana's voice shook.

"Alright. Gabby, I want you to get as many towels as possible or anything close to it to get the babies cleaned off when we can."

As Gabby rushed away, Mac ran his hand over Ariana's side.

"Whenever you're ready, baby."

Ariana wasted no time and took a deep breath, pushing.

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