twenty eight

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a/n: this chapter contains sexual content
"junior will you hand mommy her phone?" ariana asked.

junior picked ariana's phone off the coffee table and handed it to her, crawling into the couch and leaning against her while she nursed wilder. "when can i see aunt lizzie?"

"soon baby. maybe we'll get together someday soon. she's just not feeling up to doing much lately."

"how come?"

"she's pregnant. she's due anytime now and that's the most tiring time for a mommy."

"she should take a nap."

ariana laughed and kissed his head. "trust me she takes all the naps she can."

"are you tired?"


"you should take a nap too."

"i can't. daddy isn't home."

"why does daddy have to be home?"

"to keep an eye on you kids."

"i'll watch the babies."

"aw," she said. "as much as i appreciate that, you aren't quite old enough to watch the babies by yourself. you're a really good helper though."

"i am?"

"yeah. you help me give them baths and you give them bottles and you help change them and get them dressed. you cuddle with them, which is really really helpful when i can only hold two at a time. you're the best big brother i the world and if the babies could talk they'd say the same thing."

"stella bites."

"well stop putting your finger in her mouth. we've been over this."

"she likes to use her teeth."

"i know. she bites me when she eats sometimes."

"does it hurt?"

"yeah, that's why i get on to her."

"why does she bite?"

"she's teething. the pressure of biting feels good."

"it only feels good to me when i'm eating."

ariana laughed. "i'm on the same page."

"mm..." ariana moaned, letting her back arch. "oh my god..." she whispered.

mac let his tongue gently slide over her clit, sucking lightly as his hands gripped her thighs.

"baby don't stop..."

mac sucked a little harder, his tongue dipping into her and dragging it back up to tease her clit.

"fuck... faster baby, i'm so close."

macs tongue increased in speed and pressure, and just a few seconds later her clit throbbed, causing her to gasp and clutch the sheets.

"fuck, fuck..." she whispered.

as soon as she stopped writhing, mac crawled up to her, kissing her lips. "that good huh?"


mac laid next to her, running his hand over her stomach. "so... you want a hysterectomy?"

"i'm tired of having babies, mac."

"you contradicted yourself last week."


"first you said you were gonna have this baby at home. then you demanded a c section and have a hysterectomy."

"i mean... i want both. i want a home birth... but i need a hysterectomy."

"you can get your tubes tied."

"that can come undone. a hysterectomy can't."

"that's not likely to happen."

"but it could. and i don't want the chance."


"you can't seriously want more kids. we have five. five! i've been pregnant since i was nineteen years old, i'm almost twenty five. i'm done having kids. i'm done. i can't do it anymore. four of our children are under three, okay, that's a lot of babies in a little time."

"well three of those babies were only meant to be two but makayla was hiding out."

"and this baby could very well end up two, and if it is that's seven kids and i can't do it. i can barely handle the five we have, babe... can't you just enjoy them instead of thinking of all the other kids we could have? focus on the ones we have instead. junior misses you. he's always asking where you are, he wants to spend time with his daddy."

"i'm working because you can't."

"i still work. i work from home, i do interviews, photo shoots, i get meetings set up, i record in the studio. i get paid for doing all of that."

"i didn't mean you don't work at all, just... not like you used to."

"you mean before i started getting pregnant? yeah i know. pregnancy makes it hard to do things i wanna do with my career. i haven't been on your since i had the triplets. i don't even know how long that's been. i don't even know how old my babies are, malcolm. if i don't know how old my kids are then i have too damn many."

"i don't know any of their birthdays."


"i don't know when they were born. i suck with dates. i don't keep track and i don't know which days are important and which ones are birthdays and holidays and doctor appointments."

"i don't know why you would since i'm the one that does the doctor appointments."

mac laughed a little. "i love you..."

"i love you too."

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