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"I need to talk to you, Mommy," Ariana said as she sat next to Joan.

"About what, sweet pea?"

"Well... I meant to talk to you earlier this month. But Malcolm said something that really alarmed me."

"What did he say?"

"He said he saw Mark hit you."

Joan stayed quiet.

"So then its true," Ariana said. "Mom, why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because it's not a big deal. It only happened once."

"Really? Because you've been doing your makeup differently."

"So I'm trying to keep up with the trends."

"Joan Grande doesn't do trends, she does black clothes and natural makeup."

"My makeup is still natural."

"It's different, Momma. Is he still hurting you?"


"Don't lie to me."

"He's not."

"Don't lie to me!" She snapped as she stood up.

"Ariana, keep your voice down."

"Why? Is he here?"

"He's sleeping. You'll wake him up, he hates that."

"You know what I hate? Woman beaters," she said. "Mark!"

"Ariana, no."

Ariana walked to the kitchen and grabbed a pot before throwing it on the floor to make a loud clatter. She repeated it a few times before Mark finally appeared at the doorway.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked.

"What did you think you were doing when you started putting your hands on my mother?" Ariana asked.

"Go home. I don't have time for this."

"Too bad because I have all the time in the world."

"Get out of my house and go home."

"This is not your house. My name is on the lease. Let me make one thing clear, Mark. If I find out that you put your hands on my mother again I will end you. Especially if it happens in front of my son. He tells me everything that goes on in this house."

"Malcolm makes stories up all the time, you can't prove that I did anything."

"That right there. You saying I can't prove it, that's my fucking proof. Keep your fucking hands off of my mother."

"What are you gonna do about it? You're nothing but a small washed up celebrity that thinks her money can save her," Mark said as he stepped closer to her.

"My money can save me, I'm Ariana fucking Grande."

"With the reputation of Chris Brown."

"Chris Brown is a fuck up and a woman beater. Like you. All I did was lick a donut, I think I'm safe here when it comes to rep."

"You need to leave and you need to do it now," Mark said as he got closer, backing her up into the counter.

"Mark please stop," Joan said.

"Shut up."

"Get away from me," Ariana said.

"Or what?"

"You don't wanna know, but it won't be pretty."

Mark grabbed Ariana's chin tightly. "You're gonna do what I say or you're gonna regret it."

Ariana felt around the counter, searching for something to fend him off with. The second her fingers touched a handle she grabbed whatever it was and held it in her fist tightly. "You're gonna let me the fuck go," she said.

"Mark please stop," Joan said.

"You're gonna get the fuck out of this house and stay out or you'll be sorry for running your mouth," Mark said, his hand sliding to her throat.

Ariana swung her hand around and hit him in the back with the object in her hand.

"Ariana!" Joan shouted.

Ariana pushed Mark off of her as he started collapsing. Once he landed on his side, her eyes were immediately glued to a knife in his back and she started breathing heavily.

"Oh my god," her voice cracked. "Mommy, what do we do?"

"Call an ambulance."


"Miss Butera?"

Ariana turned around to face an officer. "That's me."

"I'm Officer Fulton. Would you mind explaining what happened tonight?"

"Um... I came over to talk to my mom. And I threw a pot on the floor to wake up Mark. He came down in a pissy mood and words were exchanged and he grabbed me by the throat so I stabbed him. I didn't know it was a knife until he fell. I just grabbed the nearest thing to hit him and it was the knife."

"Okay. Was the reason you came to talk to your mother related to this incident?"

"Sort of. My son told me he hit her about a month ago so I came to talk to her about it. When Mark came down I told him to keep his hands off of her and things escalated."

"So he's been physically abusive towards your mother?"

"Yes. I can't prove it but my son saw it and my mother has been wearing her make up differently. I can guarantee if you made her take her makeup off she's hiding bruises."

"We'll talk to her. Would you like to press charges for assault on yourself?"


"You understand that he also has the right to press charges. His injury is more extensive than your own."

"I don't care. I want the charges against him."

"I'll file a report. Thank you for your time, Miss Butera."

Joan walked over to her after the officer walked away and she hugged Ariana.

"How are you, baby girl?" She asked.

"I'm fine. I'm pressing charges against him for grabbing me."


"I want you to press charges against him for domestic, Mom. You can't let him get away with this."

"I'm fine, Ariana."

"My son saw him hurt you. And I hate to do this to you, but until that man is out of your life, you don't get to see Malcolm or Stella. Keeping him around is putting your grandchildren in danger and I will not stand for it."


"I am dead fucking serious. You won't see them until he's gone."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm pregnant."

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