Chapter 3

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I had trouble sleeping that night mainly, because my parents were role playing Dr. Suess.

"The thing-a-ma-jigger is up, and away!" My dad said through breaths. I covered my head with my pillow, and turned my head phones up all the way.

'Kill me now.' My wolf whined.

'Agreed.' I said back. Finally we agree on something. I hadn't heard from James since I left him speechless at the park. Deep inside I did want him back, but I was gonna play hard to get just to see how far he would go to get me back. Caiden (my boyfriend) hasn't talked to me since I got here this morning. I wonder if he found his mate.

"You want to get out of here as much as I do?" I pulled out my earbuds to see my brother standing in the doorway. He was so.... Grownup. I hadn't had the chance to talk to him yet.

"Yes sir," I said getting up. I was in some very comfy skinny jeans and a Nike tee shirt. So I guess wherever he took me as long as it wasn't the Hamptons I'd fit in.

"Grab you purse, your buying. I'm just driving," he smiled. His brown hair was rather long for a guy. The front hung over his face just above his eyebrows, and the back went half an inch over his ears then cut off. We ran downstairs just as mom shouted,

"How about we pull out Thing 1 and Thing 2?" Well that's mentally scarring, and visual, and yup thank god I'm moving out.

"Well that's scary," I said shutting the door behind us. He showed me to his truck it was a Dodge Ram that originally belonged to my grandpa. Him and that thing have been together since he was 16.

"So where to?"

.........................................................................................THE NEXT DAY........................................................................................

After, I had climbed out of the shower I put on a pair of my white-holey-skinny-jeans and a cyan-blue tee-shirt with the words "I am Ironman." On it. Ironman 3 is my favorite movie in the universe. Then there was knock on the door,

"Just a minute!" Then there was another one more anxious this time though. "Calm your tits! I coming!" I said angrily. Then the knock sounded again but more fast. "I swear if that's you dad, I will tell everyone about how, you ruined how I think of Dr. Suess!" Then the knock stopped. I opened the door to see my two best friends Rita and Ayla.

"How did your dad ruin Dr.Suess for you?" They said together obviously really confused.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said giving them a hug.

"Well we live in town, and we couldn't find you during the party so we came to hang out." Ayla said excitedly.

"Sure let me grab my purse, and I will tell you later what happened." I said going to my bedroom.

"Hey have you seen J-" I stopped Rita in mid-sentence by putting my finger to her lips. She looked really confused.

"We do not speak that name in this household, if my dad hears you he will literally lose it." I said quietly.

"I will lose what?" My dad said from behind me.

"Nothing, and don't ask unless you want Dr. Suess to be ruined for children everywhere." I said as I grabbed my purse. My dad shut his mouth, and walked into the bathroom.

"When are you moving into your new house?" Rita said changing the subject.

"Tomorrow I sign the papers, so tomorrow I guess." I said heading out the door to my truck. Rita and Ayla followed me into my truck.

"Damn, this is a nice truck." Ayla said with wide eyes. It reminded me of a kid in a candy store.

"Where did you guys wanna take me anyway?" I said pulling out of the driveway.

"St.Cloud to the mall." They said together.

"Ok, but doesn't James always hang out there?" I said suspiciously.

"No.." They said trying to keep a straight face, and avoid eye contact.

"Did he set this up?" I said/growled.

"Somewhat, but we really do wanna hang out with you." They said nodding there head fastly.

"Fine, if I'm gonna be in public might as well make him jealous." I evilly grinned.

"What are you gonna do?" They said rolling they're eyes.

"I have a friend that could get here any minute if I asked him too." I said as we passed through Foreston.


"My boyfriend." I said laughing.

"You have a boyfriend? But you have a mate!" Rita said in a whiny tone.

"Why do you care so much, not like James cares if I date other guys." I said rolling my eyes.

"You have no idea, after you left he literally lost his mind, we found, him in the middle of the road yelling KILL ME NOW!!! To the cars that passed by. Then he dated like 20 girls trying to fill the gap in his heart you left. When he didn't succeed he didn't talk to anyone, and just sat in his room with the lights off listening to Love Somebody by Maroon Five. When he found out you were coming back he literally did back flips of joy. He really loves you, you should give him a second chance." Ayla sighed. I lout out a loud groan then agreed to do one date, but I do get to show off Caiden in front of James. I mean I love jealous men. They're like puppies fighting over a bone.

"Yay we are here!" Ayla said climbing out of the truck, and stretching her back. We headed inside of The Crossroads Mall, we were about to do some serious shopping.

"OMG look at those shoes!" Ayla said running up to them. She was pretending to be Kaitlyn (a brat from our grade.)

"Come on Ayla we don't wanna tease the less fortunate." I said with a cocky grin. We literally shopped till we dropped. I sat down next to Rita at the food court, it was 1:00 and we were eating our subway sandwiches while watching the game Vikings vs Packers.

"Hey babe." Caiden said, from behind me. Then a low growl rumbled from his chest, and he looked eyes with Rita growling "Mate."

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