Chapter 6

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I laid down on my bed remembering the events of today.

"Where were you? Why did you get home so late?!" My over protective father said interrupting my thoughts.

"I was out, and I'm a adult. I can go out whenever I want!" I snarled back.

"Not while your under this roof young lady!" My dad said attempting to mimic my tone.

"Well don't get your titties In a twist I'm moving out tomorrow!" I yelled slamming the door in his face.

'Old times.' My wolf said reminiscing all the fights I had with my father, after getting home past 9:00.

'Yeah,' I agreed.

Anyway, James and I went to mongo's then to cherry berry, then to a street race.

Apparently, James is known for street racing, and he's really good at it.

Some guy kept flirting with me, until James challenged him.

Whoever won the race chose they're prize.

If the other kid won then I had to blow him, if James won I get to kick the guy's ass.

James won, and let's just say he won't be walking anytime soon.

Then I stared up at the ceiling.

'This is the life!' My wolf purred.

I closed my eyes letting the sound of my wolf's purring lead me into the darkness.


"Hey, beautiful." Said a familiar voice.

I jumped and fell out of bed.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I scream/whispered.

"Visiting my mate." He smirked.

"Why?!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Why not?" He said quoting me.

"If my dad sees you he will literally give birth to a cow!" I said showing him out the window.

"Hey, I couldn't stay away! Give me a kiss, and I will leave." He smiled evilly.

"No!" I said with a disgusted face.

"Kimberly, who are you talking to?" My dad's voice boomed from the hallway.

"Get out now!" I said trying to push him out the window.

"Not until I get that kiss." He smirked.

"Kimberly? Are you alright?" My dad said knocking at the door.

"Yeah dad I'm just fine!" I said trying to act normal.

I shot James a look saying get out now before I throw you out!

Then the door handle started to turn, I pecked James on the lips and literally shoved him out the window to a 2 story drop.

"Why do I smell male in here?" My dad said raising a eyebrow and eyeing me suspiciously.

"Because, boys live across the street and a breeze must've blown the scent in?" I said as more of question.

My dad shoved me aside to look out the window.

James if you hadn't moved I'm gonna kill you! I thought to myself.

Then my dad turned to look at me.

"Ok, have a good day dear." Dad said as he kissed me on the forehead, and headed out of the room.

I looked out the window, and sure enough James wasn't there.

I leaned up against the window.

"Wow that was a close one." I mumbled to myself.

I closed the curtains, and put on a teal dress with black legging and knee high black boots.

"I get my first house today!" I squealed with joy as I ran downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey, Kim why are you so happy?" Mom said not looking up from the news.

"I get my first house today!" I squealed.

"And you planned on telling me this when?" My mom said suddenly serious.

"Um, after I moved in?" I said nervously.

"Oh ok dear have fun." She said still watching the news.

'Well that was easier than I thought.' My wolf said relived.

'I know I was expecting my mom to freak out' I said as I got some granola for my cereal.

After I was finished eating I decided to go walk over to Rita's to get my truck back.

Her house is only two houses down from mine so it wasn't that hard.

Instead of living in a pack house, we live in a pack neighborhood.

It's kinda one big house because there is underground tunnels connecting all the houses.

Anyway I knocked on the door, and Julie answered the door.

"Is Rita home?" I said kindly.

Julie was Rita's sister she had dirty blonde hair that only went down to her eyebrows she was as tall as me, and the omega that everyone loved.

"Yeah, but she's sleeping." Julie said about to close the door.

'Perfect time for revenge from the time she pushed you bed into the middle of the road while you were sleeping' my wolf clapped.

I stopped the door before it could close.

"I will wake her up." I winked at Julie.

She evilly grinned, and let me in.

Rita's room was the first door down the hallway in the left.

I slowly opened the door careful not to make a sound.

I pulled the bull horn to my lips, and yelled as loud as I could.

"WAKE UP RITA, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, RITA, WAKE UP, WAKE UP RITA WAKE UP!" By the time I was finished with my cheer leading act, Rita had gotten off the bed, and was about ready to throw her lamp at me.

"What was that for?" She moaned pulling her pillow over her head.

"Good old fashioned revenge." I smiled evilly.

"Why?" She said sitting up and putting on her slippers.

"Why not?" I said smirking.

She let out a loud groan, and lumbered toward the bathroom.

"Peace out." She said as she'd closed the door behind her.

"Well that went well." Julie said smiling at me.

"Here's your keys by the way." She said taking some keys out of a cookie jar, and handing them to me.

"Thanks, I got to go meet up with my realtor." I said heading out the door.

"Okay call us if you need help moving in!" Julie yelled to me as I shut the door.

I climbed into my truck, and drive across town to Northland reality.

"This is a sweet ride." Said a strange voice from the backseat.

I jumped, but once I knew who the owner of the voice was I let myself relax.

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