Chapter 30

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*recap* "Could you please do your luna A favor, and tell me what the hell is going on?" I say after he opens the cell, and roughly takes my wrist. He doesn't say anything just takes me out of the room, and into another. We are in a huge gathering hall with chairs lined on both sides, and a big chair in the middle higher then the others, and 2 chairs on each side. Then the chair spins around, and I almost collapse in shock.
*recap ended*
Zane. "How Could You!" I yelled lowering my head so I couldn't meet his gaze.
"How could I? How could I? How could you! You left me here to rot. After all we have been through, you leave me here over some dumb wolf?! Well no! I will not be treated this way, now you will know how it feels to be left alone, with nobody!" He snapped.
then gestured towards a open door frame.
James was wheeled in, he was muzzled, tied up, and looked drugged.
"No! You lay a finger on him, and I will kill all of you!" I growled.
Zane slowly walked towards me, "This all could've been avoided. If you just would've stayed here with me."
I have absolutely no clue what came over me but, the moment he pulled out a blood stained pocket knife and pointed it towards James.
I levitated 3feet off the ground, winds worked around the room, storms brewed outside. I had no control over my movements, I think my wolf was in control.
I lifted a hand towards Zane, and he flew back into the wall.
"I warned you. moon, zeiță, să ia acest sac vacă bolnavă la oalele de foc de iad unde demonii pot sărbătoare pe sufletul pentru." I was speaking in a different tongue, I'm guessing Romanian.
(moon goddess, take this diseased cow sack to the fiery pots of hell where demons may feast on his soul for eternity)
Zane disappeared from thin air, and I fell limp on the ground. The last thing I saw was that little girl hovering over me.
Author's Note: Ok just imagine 'Back In Black' playing while You read this. I realized you can always fix things, so I decided to re-write the ending. Anyway, REMEMBER TO STAY DUMB AND SHIT BRICKS! Damn, I miss saying that.

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