Chapter 28

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(Recap) then a stench slapped me in the face. James.

I looked up to see James. His eyes flashed with guilt and regret, but just as fast as the feeling came it left. Then a short, broad man stepped from behind James. He had black hair, piercing brown eyes and muscular arms and chest.

"At last my Luna." He said stroking the hair out of my face. I got to admit if he wasn't some crazy ass psycho who killed my dad I might've totally dug it, but since he is a crazy ass psycho who killed my dad, pure hatred flamed inside me. I almost let a growl slip, but James' eyes were telling me to stay calm, what the hell did he care? Adam pulled me into a tight hug.

"Welcome home" then the window crashed open, and I saw Zane landing with a Thud. He was in wold and damn did he look sexy when he was angry. The wolves got into a defense position around me. Adam took my hand calmly.

"Don't worry Luna these bastards won't touch you." He whispered while pulling me into another hug. Who the hell does he think he is? Hugging me, touching me and speaking to me. Then I heard a loud whimper, and saw James standing over Zane. Zane was lying a puddle of blood. Then the 8th circle of hell was unleashed, and I pounced into James. He didn't struggle. He justo let out a low laugh,

"just play along." He whispered. I looked over at Zane he winked at me. I nodded, then let James have the upper hand of the battle. He rolled on top of me then a red wolf tackled James off of me. I looked over to see The red wolf was none other then Adam.

'NO ONE TOUCHES MY MATE, BUT ME!!!!' My wolf growled I lost all control of my body. My wolf was furious. I shoved Adam off of James, and continued to bite down at his face. Then a pair of hands wrapped around me, pulling me off of him. Before I could see who it was. A sharp pain went through my head, and I fell into darkness.

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