Chapter 8

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"So are you two a couple?" The realist or said looking at James and I. I shot James a dirty look telling him not to talk.


" no" we said at the same time I was saying no while he was saying yes. The realtor looked at us both smiling, then handed me the papers.

"Congratulations, you just bought your first house." The realtor. I stood up excitedly. The realtor reached out his hand offering me to shake it. What you think I'm JUST gonna shake your hand? I pulled him into a hug. Then a deep growl rumbled from James' chest. I pulled back knowing he would blow this guy to high heaven. I grabbed James' hand so he would stop giving a death glare to the realtor.

"Here are the keys, and have a nice rest of your life!" The realtor said not taking his eyes off of James. I grabbed James hand, and led him outside so we could go to my new house.

"What the hell was that!?" I said after we had gone into the vehicle.

"I'm sorry that I don't like other males looking or even touching you! Your mine!" He said the last part like a child who wanted his toy back.

"Your forgetting one part, butt-face McGee! You rejected me!" I said slamming on the brakes again. He was ready for it this time, and caught his head before it could hit anything.

"I regret it ok! I love you Kimberly." He said his voice serious and his eyes full of adoration. I kept driving in silence.

"I James Ryder Johnson revoke my rejection to Kimberly Rose Husman." He said not taking his eyes off me. We pulled into the driveway, all was quiet.

"I Kimberly Rose Husman accept your revoke." I said running up to him, and giving him a hug. Tingles and sparks shot up my spine at his touch. 'Mate' my wolf growled possessively as his arms wrapped around my waist. I put my hands on his neck, and we touch foreheads still making eye contact.

"I missed you." He said pulling me closer.

"I missed you too." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.


Authors note: sorry, sorry, sorry it took me so long to update. Basketball practice has been seriously wearing me out.

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