Chapter 32

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I look at mom then to James and back and fourth.

"I wha?" I muttered.

"You have to keep this secret hidden, or you will be captured by the others, your great, great, grandmother's siblings were jealous of her powers and tried killing her out of jealousy, but no matter how much they tried she always found a way out. James, promise me that you will take care of Kimberley. They are probably already after her."

"I swear on my life she will be safe." he said grabbing my hand.

Then a pungent odor of gunpowder hit my nose.

"Mom come with me. We can go somewhere new." I whispered. I could tell she smelt it to.

"No, it's fine dear, I'm already gone." she said as she showed me her back, there was a bloody stain getting larger.

Then her head hit the table cold.

I looked behind her to see a group of masked thieves.

With one swift movement, I flipped the table we had been sitting at and kicked it towards them. it knocked them down. In they're struggle to get up I ran out of the house with James.

It's my turn to take away what you love Zane.


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