Chapter 10

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I came home from my new job setting my purse on the counter only to find a bunch of boxes sitting all over the place.

"JAMES! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" I yelled. I knew he was here I could smell him.

"I'm moving in." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"No, your moving out." I said wiggling out of his grip.

"No, I'm moving in." He insisted pulling me close to him agin this time even closer.

"give me a good reason why, and I might not sleep in hotel until you leave." I said without pulling away.

"After what happened last week, I have turned into a raging alpha male." He said in a serious tone.

"Good enough for me." I said turning around to face him. He smiled when I smiled. We'll you gonna help me un-pack?" He said pressing his forehead against mine.

"I'm so tired." I said plopping onto my new couch. I had just gotten a new job as a singer/waitress for coffee shop. James works at the same restaurant as a waitor.

"That's life sweety." He said leaning over the couch.

"Yeah we'll life is hard." I moaned in a whiny tone. He whimpered at how I was unhappy.

"Calm down I'm just whining, you should be used to it your hoes probaly did it when you had to leave." I teased. He growled.

"let's not bring up my troubled past. I was blind back then, but now that I can see I see the most beautiful girl alive in front of me." He flirted.

"Let me sleep." I said waving him away.

"Sure, right after you fight me for it." He said lifting me up.

"Put me down." I said slamming my fists on his back. It didn't have any effect. He just kept standing there laughing at my horrible attempts to be let go.

"That's it put me down before I go ape shit." I said seriously. He chuckled and meanly replied.

"I would like to see you try."

"Don't worry after I'm done with you, you won't be seeing anything, anytime soon." He laughed again. I kneed him in the chest, as he was falling I flipped off his back, and landed on him. He laid on the ground under my weight.

"Wasn't expecting that were you?" I laughed as I pinned his hands over his head. He was trying to catch his breath, but managed to breath.

"Watch this." Then he rolled over, and had me pinned. Since he weighed more then me I was practically pinned.

"Now who has the upper hand of the fight?" He laughed.

"Me," I said using my arms and ankles to lift myself off the floor, I must've looked like a confused crab, because he let out a deep chuckle.

"Who are you laughing at?" I said as I stood up causing him to fall onto the floor. He sprung up just as fast he fell.

"You," he laughed pinning me to the wall.

"Not for long." I said jumping onto his shoulders pushing off, and landing behind him. He twirled around, and I jumped onto his back. He fell onto the new sofa. Then we just sat there laughing like old friends.

"You win." He said looking at me with the most adorable look on his face.

"Good because I'm going to bed." I said standing up, and heading up the stairs.

"Good night." I said turning around only to find him right behind me.

"Where are you going?" I said giving him a dirty look even though I already knew his answer.

"We'll you said we were going to bed right?" He said giving me a evil smile.

"I said I! Was going to bed." I said putting emphasis on the I. "Yup so here WE go." He said putting emphasis on the WE. (This is NOT part of the book I Just wanted to let u know lol WE. Ok continue on..) as I was changing I couldn't help, but notice that he was staring.

"Privacy please?" I said looking at him only in a bra and underwear. He was sitting on the bed pretending to read a book. I could tell he was pretending because he couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey I'm just reading the words across your ass. Yum! Yum!" He said laughing.

"Haha your so funny now get your perverted eyeful cause I'm going to the bathroom to finish." I said grabbing my clothes, and heading toward the bathroom he let out a whine rolled his eyes then shut off his night stand, and put the book down. I changed into some sweat pants and a oversized tee shirt.

"Good night my love." James whispered into my ear as I cuddled my head into his chest.

"Good night." I yawned back.


Author's note: I apologize that this chapter is boring, I just didn't have a lot of ideas. Anyway remember stay dumb and shit bricks!

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