Chapter 13

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Zane and I walked to my truck. We were non stop laughing. He had his arm around me, and I let him.

"So I guess I will see you on Wednesday." I said after giving him a long hug.

"Yeah I will see you then." Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek goodbye. I smiled, and waved then hopped into my truck. My phone started to ring.

"Hello?"I said.

"OH MY GOD! Boys fought over you! You are SO lucky!" Ayla, Rita and Julie said over the phone.

"Yeah, I can't believe it! Now I have to go home, and make sure James is 'ok' ttyl." I said before hanging up the phone. While I drove I looked at the neighbors yards. When I got home, there was a note on the counter.
By the time you read this I will already be at the bar. Don't bother to come pick me up, not like you care anyway.
I rolled my eyes, and headed out side. Since the bar was only a 1/2 a mile away I could get there easily. About 10minutes in I heard sining coming from the alley.

"Sweet jeans are made of these, I traveled the world, and the seven seas. Everybody is looking for Kim." I followed the voice to the alley. By a dumpster was a drunk, curled-up-in-a-ball, James.

"Come on James time to go home." I said attempting to pry the bottle of whiskey out if his hands.

"No, you can go home and sleep with Zane for all I care." He growled.

"Are you drunk?" I said letting go if the bottle. He flew backwards, and hit the wall.

"No, but I'm about to be." He said taking another sip of his whiskey. Then a hand slipped over my mouth.

"Shhhhh, we don't want anyone getting hurt." It whispered in a deep voice. Then they're hand came off my mouth, and I turned around to see 5 gangsters all with pants down on they're knees.

"Oh, yous a pretty one. We gon have fun wit you." One of them said while rubbing they're hands together.

"No, your not gonna touch me." I said while getting into a fighting stance. I turned to see James still in a ball. He was whining about some rubber ducks that got hit by a Segway.

"Who is gonna stop us?" One said pulling out his knife.

"Ok really, if your gonna rape a person you bring a gun. A knife is just lame." I laughed. They all looked at me offended.

"Fine, then you tell me how much this hurts." One of them said taking a step closer to me.

"You do the same for me." I said jumping up into the air, dodging the first blow. They all looked at me confused. I took advantage of they're confusion, and punched the guy who had grabbed me across the face.

"Stay still!" One of them yelled frustrated.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna stay still so you can stab me, and rape me. That sounds like a good idea to me!" I said sarcastically. Then there was a loud bang, and I looked to see James was still in a ball with HUGE pupils. Then behind me I saw Zane.

"Do I always have to save your butt from gangsters?" He smiled before letting me give him a hug. Then James let out a low growl.

"Oh so you care if I hug another guy, but not if I get killed or raped?" I yelled at him. He curled back up into a ball, and started to cry. Jeez liquor really does take a toll on the brain.

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