Chapter 11

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I woke up with a big hand on my stomach and my head was nestled into his chest. James. I tried pulling away, but was quickly pulled back into place by his hand.

"Don't ruin the moment." James laughed.

"Get off me!"I said struggling out of his grip. Today us Sunday pack day. Today all the pack gets together drinks coffee plays games, and share news. I got up I was going to take a shower. I got some black leggings, and my deep red McGomery collection top.

"Woah, woah, woah your not wearing that." James said pulling it out of my hands.

"Why not?" I said yanking it back.

"You can wear it when we're alone. Not informs of other males you mine." He said holding hit above his head.

"Well then you can't wear a tight tee-shirt." I snapped back.

"That's different," He laughed holding it high wear I couldn't reach it.

"Knock that shut off before I tackle you!" I yelled. He lowered his Hand, but when I reached for it he put it right back up. Ok you wanna play hard to get let the games begin! I stood on my tiptoes, and planted a kiss on his lips. He lowered his head so he was closer, and put his arm down. I took the opportunity, and grabbed my outfit.

"Why would you do that?!" He said standing there dazed.

"Why not." I said shutting the door to the bathroom behind me. I leaned up against the door. My lips tingled from his.


I pulled on my ankle high leather boots, and buckled the strap.

"Ready?" James said opening the door politely.

"Yes" I said stepping out the door. Fall had come all to quickly. A few leaves brushed across the yard. I stepped into the truck, and James shut the door for me. We drove in silence for like a minute then I turned on the radio.

Best love song by. T-pain ft.Chris Brown

"In every bar hey! We bring the arts hey! In every bar hey! We bring the arts! Turn off the bass, turn off the treble, I'm a take you to a whole nother level, ah ah ah ah, dj turn off what your playing I want the whole club to here what I'm saying. Because, this girl means so much to me, and now we on the floor and she touchin meeeeeee! And if i wanna take her home it's gotta be better then what they do on the radio. It's gotta be the crunkest, gotta be the loudest, it's gotta be the best, the best love song she ever heard in her life!"

"I love this song." I squealed happily. James smiled, and shook his head.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I looked out the window pretending to think hard on his question.

"Oh I know, leave me on the side of the road! Just do it! Now!" I said attempting to grab the steering wheel. My attempts were lame. He just grabbed both my wrists, and held me in place. After applause by lady gaga, and boyfriend by Justin Bieber (YUK) we were at the park.

"Hey, James you should probably run." I said looking at my glaring father through the window.

"Why?" He said pulling me close to him.

"Well my father can see you, and he is coming over here right now to skin you." I said pulling away. Then James opened the door only to find my daddy standing outside of it. Since I was still in the car, all I could here was screaming. Then there was a loud thunk! I got out if the car to see what happened. James was rubbing his head. He had a black eye on his right eye.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!??? IS GOING ON HERE?" My dad yelled at me. I whimpered, and took a step backwards. Then he hugged me knowing he had hurt his daughter.

"I'm sorry Kimberley, you know it was my over protective father instincts talking right?" He whispered softly into my ear.

"Yes daddy I know," I whispered while putting a kiss on his cheek.

"Go have fun darling, I'm going to have a talk with James." He said turning his head to look at my beaten mate. I accidentally let a low growl slip out, when I saw his wounds. My father and James looked at me in disbelief.

"What was that!?" My father said looking at me shocked. But I wasn't looking at him. I was looking at the cocky grin plastered onto James' face. Oh how I wanted to slap that right off, but oh how much I wanted to kiss it too.

"Yes dad." I said walking away to the party.


Authors note: PLEASE READ!! remember to stay dumb and shit bricks!

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