4-Kakashi's Test

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Aoi walked silently as Naruto filled his silence with meaningless chatter. Naruto didn't seem too nervous about the survival test, because he judged Kakashi based solely on how he was hit with that eraser. On strict instruction, Aoi wasn't allowed to tell Naruto of Kakashi's true skill. Aoi just walked silently while his roommate chattered endlessly.

When they got to the clearing, instead of standing near the others, Aoi sat on one of the three posts in a crouch. The others chatted amiably, or what Aoi considered so, and he looked on. It was mostly Naruto talking, but Sakura was trying to get Sasuke's attention as well. Sasuke just sat there apathetically. Eventually, Naruto and Sasuke began to just glare at eachother and Sakura came up to Aoi.

"Hello Aoi-kun!" Aoi looked down at her and nodded slightly. His hair hadn't been cut since he had come here, and it hung shaggily in his face and halfway past his shoulder blades. Sakura blushed when she caught a glimpse of Aoi's blue eyes. "What did you do last night?"

There was a small silence, only ruined by Naruto's incessent yelling at Sasuke. Finally Aoi spoke, "I slept."

"Really?" Sakura beamed at the conversation she had going, no matter how one sided it was. "Aren't you even worried about fighting Kakashi-sensei?"

"Why would I be worried?" Aoi's head tilted slightly.

Sakura almost fainted at the 'cuteness' of it, but she recovered. "You're right! After all, you're so strong and cool."

The conversation continued like this for some time, but after a while all of them, ommiting Aoi, grew bored. They sat around lazily, except Sasuke, who was standing the same as he had been the whole time. Aoi sat on the post, and because of this was the first to see Kakashi approaching. He gave no sign of it though, and soon Kakashi joined them.

"Yo!" He waved carelessly at them, one hand stuffed in his pocket and shoulders relaxing lazily.

Naruto and Sakura jumped up, "You're late!" They chorused.

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way around."

"How did you do that?" Aoi looked at his two hyperactive teammates.

"Do what?" The chorused again and turned to Aoi.

"Talk at the same time." Aoi stared at them blankly. The two gaped much like fish out of water before their mouths snapped shut rather audibly. There was the slightest sign of a snicker from Sasuke, but it was quickly covered. Aoi's question got no further response.

"Anyways, let's start the test." Kakashi said, blowing off the entire conversation. He set a timer on the post next to Aoi. "This timer is set for noon. You're goal is to get these bells from me before then." This accompanied with the jingle of two bells.

"But Kakashi-sensei, there are only two bells!" Sakura stated obviously.

"This is to ensure one of you will be tied to the post. If you fail to get a bell, then I'll eat my lunch in front of you." He seemed to think a moment. "Now that I think about it though, there are four of you..." The thoughtfull look soon cleared from his face however and he clapped his hands and reached in his pocket. "Luckily, I have a third bell!"

He tossed it to Aoi, who quickly caught it. Aoi sat a moment, studying the bell. The other three stood confused, wondering why Aoi had just been given the third bell. Sakura was the one to voice the thought.

"Kakashi-sensei, why did you give Aoi a bell?" Kakashi's dull gaze fell on her.

"Hmm? Oh, well I know Aoi's skills. The three of you are more of a mystery however. I suppose if you can get the bell from Aoi then you can keep it though." He glanced them over. "None of you beat him in the academy though, so I wouldn't count on that."

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