Chapter 4

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"Hahaha what's with the look on the face? Did I scare you?"

(No kim taehyung, when it's an extremely calm environment and a random ass voice comes from the back when it's bloody silent nobody would get scared ha ha ~Mina)  "No I was just startled by the sudden voice, why are you here anyways? Should'nt you have gone home already, it's 6p.m" I really did'nt care but I just wished he would go away.

"Ahh I had some work, that does'nt matter anyways, why were you here? Detention for killing someone?" I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist, the nerve of this guy, one moment he is helping me and the next he irritates my damn soul.

"No as a matter of fact I had cleaning duty so I had to stay back, I am just leaving"

I looked up at the sky who would'nt stop sobbing. "Ahh okay, where is your umbrella? Do you plan on taking a bath on your way home?" I hate his nerves...

"No I forgot my umbrella, I dont know what to do right now but I will figure it out, so you can leave" please go please go "Hmmm, it's fine Mina, i'll walk you home, it is'nt safe for you to stay out so late anyways, and don't say no orelse i might just do something right now" *smirk* i hate him i hate him i hate him

"Ahan, whatever fine I dont mind an escort, just no funny buissness" I raised my eyebrow and he laughed giving me that wonderful rectangular smile of his and we left.

"Aye i'm hungry Mina want something to eat?" I just truthfully wanna reach home in one piece but tbh i am hungry. " Yah sure, pizza or burger will be fine" "Ahh okay lets go then, burger it is!" I smirked on his cheeky and goofy side, he was really cute when he behaved like a small kid.

A/n: After you both ate, you went on your way, you were slightly uncomfortable sharing an umbrella with him, you honestly had no space in between, the fact that he put his arm around your shoulder and brought you closer as you were getting soaked on your side turned you red, you hieved a sigh of relief as you were getting close to your house.

"Mina...." i looked at him, he seemed tense, did he wanna talk? Should i talk to him? "Yah TaeTae?" I'm curious, what is it? "Nothing...i just like it when you call me TaeTae, it's cute" he smiles but his eyes dont show expression.

"TaeTae, care to come in? You could relax for a while, i'll make you tea or coffee or whatever" i just wanted an excuse to get out the dirt from him not that i would miss him or anything.

"Thanks , maybe another time? I'm not exactly in a good mood today" he smiled but once again his eyes did'nt, now i'm getting pissed, what is up with this dude? He wants to tell me something but he wont, it is annoying me.


Tae's POV
I could'nt tell her, I dont want to tell her, i am afraid that she will stop talking to me. I really like her, I have a crush on her but I know she does'nt feel the same way.

Today when I pulled her close under the umbrella it was soo cute that she got soo flusterred, I want to see more of those adorable expressions, I wanna hold her close to me and feel her warmth, I can't hide my feelings for long, afterall i've been waiting for 10years now...

*flashback to old school when Tae looked like a nerd and was ugly (A/n:not possible, he was hot but for the story lol)*

"Hey there! Are you new?" She smiled at me with such beautiful eyes and such a petite face, i could'nt help but stare at her face into her gorgeous eyes. "Y..Yah i'm new, my name is Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you" she is really pretty, what is her name? "Ahh okay okay cool! Im Mina! Nice to meet you too! You are really cute hahaha smile more often" and then she pulled my cheeks and went.

I met her often after that, we played together too, i went to her place a few times and she was usually alone apart from her teddies whom she talked to, she had 2 favs 1 was called brownie and the other called cookie, which i found weird cuz i thought she was obsessed with baked goodies.

We became good friends and I fell in love with her, but the day I wanted to confess to her she left...i dont know where but people said her family had to move...After a few days I had recieved a note, I could'nt believe my eyes, it read : "sorry Tae i had to leave, please dont be mad? I promise we will meet someday soon, take care and never forget to smile ^^ xoxo Mina"

*end of flashback*

I missed her presence these 11 years soo much it hurt, I thought of her everyday and I swore I would meet her again, what luck to find her in my new school? She is still gorgeous, she still has amazing hazel eyes, she still has a wonderful smile, she is still my Mina...

*After school*
Honestly I can't stop thinking about her, Suddenly my eyes catch a familiar figure...could it be? I run up to her, it is pretty late why is she still out?

There is nothing more than i want than her, right now i am just staring at her, wondering about how can someone be soo drop dead gorgeous and wonderful? She makes me happy, I dont think she remembers me orelse she would've recognised me, I would'nt blame her tho, I was ugly back then but still...does'nt my name ring a bell?

I'm impatient, I want her, I want her close to me, I want to kiss those lips, i wonder how they will feel, the weather is perfect, i want to make my move and somehow I can't stop myself, my body leans in closer to hers....

Mina's POV
I see that dumbshit coming to is it nowwwww ugghhh...He walks up to me and
he just stares at me for like ages now and I feel awkward af, what is up with this dude?

He suddenly leans in close and holds me by my waist, and then it happens....he kisses me, not for a second but the kiss lasted long, I could'nt move, he was strong but that was'nt it, I was too startled to move, he he held me tight and passionately kissed me, he seemed soo hungry for me, I closed my eyes and put my hands on his chest so that I can push him, I try hard but i fail.

He finally lets go and I can feel him breathing heavily, he was getting oxygen back into his lungs. "Oh shit, i'm sorry, I...I did'nt mean to! It was a mistake please dont hate me!"

This asshole stole my first kiss and now he asks me to forget it? Why did he kiss me? What happened, i'm very confused. I stare at him blankly and suddenly tears roll down my cheeks, i touch my face and feel the tears rolling down....why was I crying? Was it because he stole my first kiss? Was it because I hated him? I dont know.

"Mina! Why are you crying? I apologised! Im sorry, please forgive me!' He came closer and I took a step back. "Mina...please...dont do this, I apologised....forgive me"

I did'nt care...I did'nt wanna see his ugly ass face anymore, why did I even bother with him in the first place, did'nt I learn from my mistakes in the past?! Am i stupid?

I should have never talked to him in the start. I ran and took my bike from the parking and cycled fast even though he was on my trail I was pretty fast I kept cycling hard till  until I reached home.

I parked the bike and saw him panting behind me, I ran into my place and slammed the door on his face...I did'nt wanna see him anymore...

"Mina! Please open the door, i'm sorry! If you dont open the door, I will sit here and wait for you" i could'nt care less...he wasted my time, i dont want anything to do with him anymore.

A/n: ooooooooo broski pulled a wrong move huh? What do you think will happen now??? Keep reading! Leave a commmeennntt and voooteeee ♥♥♥♥ #hyper

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