Chapter 17

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"I promise I will tell you if you play the pocky stick game with me".

This asshole. Am I really that desperate? I don't want to kiss him...he is pretty cute

He winked and asked again "well do you want to know or not?" He played with the pocky in his mouth.

I leaned in closer and grabbed the end of the stick "bring it on". He bit his end of the stick and I bit mine.

He kept biting till there was hardly 3cm of pocky in between us. I pulled his tie and kissed him, finishing the pocky.

He widened his eyes and then smiled, kissing me more passionately. His lips are warm.. I licked the little bit of vanilla off my lips and asked him, "now tell me, what's with you?"

He smirked "Nothing, I was just envious how other people are getting you more than me". I was very confused about what he said because I clearly don't talk to many people.

The bell rang and he headed out first, he turned back as he opened the door and said "let's do this again sometime" and winked then left.

Stupid Byuntae (pervert). I smiled to myself a little thinking about today, is it bad that I kind of enjoyed it?

I headed back to class where I saw Tae putting his head down on the table, probably sleeping and Ji Su smiling at me and well Ji Dwi giving his classic poker face. When will I understand this guy.

I sat down in my place waiting for our teacher to come. An unfamiliar looking man entered the class. "Class, your teacher is absent, substitution, do what you want and don't annoy me".

I was sooo happy because today was pretty darn tiring, I sat next to Ji Su and we started talking. "Soooo tell me, who is that guy?" She asked pointing to my bodyguard.

"Hmm, he is a far away relative, he will be attending school with me, he's pretty darn shy to be honest and does'nt speak much". I said looking at how intently he is staring at the sub teacher. Is he always suspicious of things? I wonder.

*after school*

"Aishhhh, i'm soooooo tired Ji Dwiiiii, today was veryyyyy tiring!" I whined at him and he just nodded his head.

"Jinja Ji Dwi! Say something, you're sooo annoying!" I pouted. He sighed and walked ahead.

"Minnaaaaaaa!!! I heard someone call my name and I turned around to see who it was, so did Ji dwi". "Jiminiiieeee!" Ahh my pabo friend finally.

"Mina, where were you all this time? I looked for you even during break!" "During break? I was with t..." I stopped "you were with?" He raises an eyebrow. I blushed at the memory of today. "Ani Ani i was with Ji Su."

"Ahannnn" he said in disagreement. His eyes fall upon the guy behind me and he whispers into my ears "Mina, who is he?" I look at him for a second, should I tell him? He is the only one who knew my secret from before anyways.

"He is my bodyguard, since someone spilled the beans, I am to be protected." I said rolling my eyes. He nodded. "I have to go now, catch up with you later?" I nodded

Jimin's. POV

That guy seems suspicious, he is very weird. How come he did'nt say anything to me when I approached Mina?

I need someone to spy on this guy for me. I called up a well known guy, "Hello, Namjoon hyung, I need yours and Yoongi hyung's help."

I explained everything and I could feel the smirk on his face. "No problemo Jiminie, I will get back to you in a few".

I sighed. "What are you getting yourself into Mina?"

Mina's POV

I keep staring at Ji Dwi, who is he? "Yahhh Ji dwi tell me about yourself" he looks at me for what seems like forever and walks ahead.

I don't like this bodyguard at all. "Yahh don't you hear me talking to you!" I hit his back.
He did'nt budge. This guy is freaking me out.

He pushed me against the wall and looked into my eyes, we were in an alley so there was nobody, he said "if I don't do this now, I will never do it" he took out a knife and brought it close to my neck.

I was dead scared. Why is my bodyguard trying to kill me? Tears started forming in my eyes. "I'm sorry" he said and I noticed that there were tears in his eyes too.

Someone came from back and hit Ji Dwi right across the head, "step away, nutbag" he said. Ji dwi landed on the floor moaning in pain.

"Tae! How did you..." I was cut off with a kiss. "Don't ever go without me again" he said giving me a death look. Frankly I was scared.

Tae grabbed Ji dwi by the collar and started hitting him. "Stop!" I screamed, but it was no use, the guy was clearly pissed.

I wailed "Stop Tae!" I screamed once again. Failure was the only result.

"TAE I SAID STOP!" I had tears in my eyes and my knees were trembling, I was afraid that Tae would kill Ji dwi.

Tae looked at me "Why?" He asked. "I don't want him to die, I want him to answer my questions first." I said clearly with blood shot eyes. My fists were clenched.

I made Ji dwi sit up straight and looked at him. "Answer my questions Ji Dwi".
He was holding my face in pain and nodded his head.

"Why are you here?" I asked "I needed money and plus this was the only way I could help him" I got furious, why does hard work never hit people like this??

"What do you mean? Help who?" I raised an eyebrow. "My uncle, he is the only one I have and your stupid dad has locked him up somewhere. He worked with your dad and for some reason locked him up, he told me if I wanted him back I would have to work for him".

"As my bodyguard?" I asked. "No, as your murderer. Your dad wants to kill you."

A/n: Aiiiiish, tbh I don't find this suprising .-. Her dad wanted to kill her anyways right? Lol pathetic people in this world.


An Uncalled Love | Kim Taehyung {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now