Chapter 22

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I explained everything to Tae, what I saw in my dream and what all I thought was going to happen.

"Shhh sweetie don't worry, it's going to be okay" and he gives me his signature smile. How it soothes me....I really love him.

The doctor came in and checked on me. "How are you feeling Ms.Mina?" I sat properly "i'm feeling a bit giddy and weird doc." He nodded his head and noted all this down.

"I'm afraid you will have to get a blood transfusion done because your haemoglobin keeps decreasing, you won't make it if you don't get it done."

I gasped, blood transfusion? Why? I don't want to..."Doc, is there any other way?" H shook his head, "i'm afraid not Ms.Mina".

Tae held my hand, reasurring me it's going to be okay, I smiled and sighed, I looked at the doc and nodded my head "okay fine, let's do it."

After 30 mins the entire set up was done and blood pockets were attached. The nurse walks in with a big ass needle and I gulp.

"Uhhh, excuse me but the cannula is already attached why do you have to put another one?" She looked at me as if i'm some sort of illiterate

"Madam, your cannula is too small, you need a bigger one so we are going to put in this one." I gulped, it was a pretty big ass

A/n: i'm just gonna skip all the wailing and crying and shit so we can get the hospital scene over with .-.

The nurses were helping me get ready because I was getting discharged. I looked at my face in the mirror, my colour looks better now.

It still bothers me that because of her I had to go through such immense pain...Tae walked in and the nurses left.

He held me and we were about to leave, Taehyung just filled out the discharge forms and we were on our way.

Tae took me to a coffee shop nearby and we were sipping on some coffee. He even ordered me my fav Godiva choco cake♥.

This guy is goals. I smile at him and he smiles back. "I'm glad you're okay Mina" I gave him an eye smile "same here Taetae".

We headed home and I landed on the sofa. I was exhausted. The hospital was hectic and I was draining out.

I heard the door bell ring and before I got up Tae had already headed towards the door. He opened it and a stampeed of 6 guys walked in.

"MINA OMG ARE YOU OKAY!? WE HEARD YOU WERE ADMITTED!!" I calmed them all down and giggled at their caring nature.

I hugged Jimin and said i'm fine and ruffled the maknae's hair and bowed to the hyungs.

"I'm sooo much better guys! Thanks for asking!" I smiled and they all returned the smile.

Jimin was especially worried, "where is that Ji Dwi Mina?" He asked and I gulped. "H..h...he had to leave". I stammered. Obviously he caught the lie.

"Stop lying to me! I already know he was behind your life! I had Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung search about him!" My eyes widened.

"He was never to be trusted! You're the only oblivious one here, you don't see what he did to you? Look at your condition!" I was pissed at this point, this guy does'nt know anything.

"JIMIN STOP! You don't know anything! It is'nt Ji Dwi's fault! Its Ji su's! SHE tried to kill me!" I blurted out.

He froze and let out a sigh, "Mianhe, I did'nt know, why would she do this?" I looked down thinking on how to explain this to him. All the other 5 guys excluding Tae were staring at me in confusion.

"Can I not talk about all this just after I have come back from the hospital? I'm very tired and I don't want anyone to nag at me". I said coldly. Clearly Jimin was hurt.

"So i'm nagging now? First you hide the fact that you're a princess, second you lie to me about your scars third you almost get killed and now you say i'm nagging when I was dying with tension all this time?"

I felt slightly guilty...Jimin was my best friend, well my only best friend now...and I felt bad about doing this to him. "Listen Jimin..." before I could complete he cut me off.

"No, I wont, i'm leaving goodbye" he stood up and headed towards the door I tried to stop him but everyone shook their head. Sorry Jimin...

Jimin's POV

I left from her place and sat on a bench nearby. I was just infuriated by all this going on, I thought we were best friend...why would she hide soo much? she dating Taehyung now?... They both seem close, did I lose my chance with her again?

I sigh and close my eyes, the day is very tiring. We had such a long practice and I heard that Mina was'nt well.

I was soo worried, what would I do if I lose her? I ruffle my hair and scream. Things are getting frustrating by the second.

Mina's POV

I hate just letting him is painful. Tae hugged me "It's okay, he will get over it" he said softly in my ears.

I heard 5 voices gasp. "O...oh! I'm sorry I forgot to tell you guys, me and Tae are...." "dating" Jungkook blurted out. I nodded and blushed.

"Awwwwww" all of them said in sinc. I blushed again. "We knew you guys would be together somehow!" I looked away not able to control my cheeks.

We were talking for a while and I heard a knock. Did Jimin come back? Why would he knock tho...

I got up to open the door and....I saw Ji dwi standing there, bruises on his face. I panicked and pulled him inside.

"Omg! Ji Dwi what happened!" He started to sniffle, had he been crying? Everyone in the room was curious and worried.

There were mixed emotions from Tae, he did'nt want Ji Dwi near me. Suddenly Jimin also walked in "Hey Mina...sorr..." he stopped as he saw Ji Dwi wounded next to me.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! HOW DARE YOU COME HERE!" Jimin grabbed him by his collar and before he hit him I screamed "NO!STOP!"

Jimin looked at me confused. "Let him speak." He let go of Ji Dwi and let him speak. "Ji Dwi, what happened?" I asked again.

"They killed him...." his eyes welled up as he almost started to cry again. "Who?" I asked in a soft tone.

"My uncle..." I gasped and he started crying. How is that possible? My dad did'nt keep his promise! Omg.

"How?!" I asked him. He did'nt answer. I screamed again. "HOW JI DWI!" He looked at me. "I had told you it wont work".

I was confused for a second and then realised, did my dream come true?... the colour of my face faded...

"He found out Mina....He found out you are'nt dead. He's after you".

A/n: Woooooo I find this chapter highly boring, dont you? .-. I'm working hard with my writing okkeerrr???

I might end the book in a few chapters .-. Be prepared :P. Have a nice day! ♥♥♥

Vote, comment and shaaareeee!! Xoxo my lovlies ♥

Also ty for 300 views! ♥♥♥♥

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