#26: Date Pt. 2 ♡

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Seokjin, his boyfriend, yes he just called Seokjin his boyfriend, was really adorable when they went to the mall. He brought a lot of things in the color pink.

Hoseok went to adidas to get some practice wear for when he's dancing. He payed for the lunch, ignored Seokjin who was trying to stop him from paying because he would pay it himself, and sat at an empty table area in the crowded mall.

"What's your favorite color? You already know mine,it's pink obviously, but what's yours?"
Seokjin asked.

Hoseok chuckled at how he asked the question, "It's green."

Seokjin smiled. But then he gave a silly evil smirk that Hoseok still found cute, "Want to hear a joke?"


"What do you do with a sick boat?"

"I don't know."


And Seokjin bursted out laughing his window shield laugh, clapping like a seal. Yet Hoseok was still amused by his silliness and laughed along with him.

Hoseok found his favorite music, Seokjin's laugh. Even though people would mock and tease him about his laugh, Hoseok found it cute and adorable can't not love it

Once they were finished Hoseok drove Seokjin to his house, Seokjin came walking because he doesn't live that far.

They arrived and played video games together. Seokjin changed into his oversized pastel blue hoodie with some shorts, such an adorable sight.

Seokjin complained on how he could never win a game but Hoseok made Seokjin win in one round.

"HA! In your face. Take that you flapjacking pancake flipper by the name of Bob flower sunshine!"

Seokjin exclaimed. Hoseok laughed at the others words.

"A what?"

Seokjin shook his head blushing,

"Never mind. Let's watch a movie?"

Hoseok nodded smiling and picked out a movie while Seokjin went to go get the snacks and drinks. He sneakily put a scary movie on.

He sat on the couch and waited for Seokjin to get back.


Btw should I continue this book? (2seok)

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