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Hoseok woke up from the chair he was in and looked at the bed. Seokjin wasn't present. He shot up to look around the house. He noticed the door to the balcony was open and since they were upstairs a horrible image came into his head and he panicked. He ran out the balcony and froze.

Seokjin was there, staring out into the sky. Hoseok slowly walked to Seokjin.

"Did it not work?"

Hoseok looked at Seokjin with worry.

"Did I not die?"

Seokjin looked at Hoseok with his eyebrows furrowed. Hoseok shook his head.

"Please just forget about that, I don't want it to happen again. Do you know how scared I was? I thought I almost lost you."

"But you would've never cared. You're just like the others. I don't know why I ever thought you would change."

"I would care, I do care. Seokjin I never wanted you to leave. I was a mess without you, even my friends told me so. I wasn't myself, I lost interest in hooking up because of you. You changed me. I only had you on my mind."

"Why can't I just die?"

Hoseok cradled Seokjin's body in his arms.

"Because I won't let it happen."

Seokjin examined Hoseok's face. Hoseok noticed and smiled, Seokjin looked away all shy. Hoseok chuckled.

He still managed to make him blush.


Hoseok sighed as Seokjin locked his room door after finishing his food. Hoseok knew he couldn't have another chance that quick. He knew it was gonna take some time for Seokjin to forgive him again. He placed his plate in the sink and washed it along with Seokjin's.

He softly knocked on Seokjin's door,

"Goodnight Seokjin."

"Goodnight Hoseok."

Hoseok sighed once again and went to sleep in the spare room.

"I'll show you that I've changed princess, I promise."


Hey I'm not dead :)

I'm so sorry for the late update guys, I've been really busy with school and I'm currently working on, now, six other books.

I apologize for my late updates. But I plan on updating more during spring break, which is the week after next week, so I hope you guys'll stick with me till then! 💓

I'll try to update next week as well.

Again thank for supporting me through out the way. I love you guys!

 I love you guys!

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^ me @ you guys

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