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"So you're dating him, but not...?"

"It's complicated."

Jungkook sipped the shared juice of him and Taehyung.

"Is our relationship going to be complicated hyung?"

Jungkook asked Taehyung. Taehyung smiled at him,
"No baby, it's not."

Seokjin smiled at the two young ones. He hoped that his relationship with Hoseok would improve. These past few days Hoseok has been, distant. Whenever he would ask to go out Hoseok would bail and say he already had plans. When they're together Hoseok is always away on his phone.
Hoseok does give Seokjin attention, but not as much as he used to.

What if he found someone better than me?

What if he leaves me for another person?

Am I too annoying for him to be this distant with me now?


"Jin hyung."

Seokjin returned his attention back to his friends.

"Hyung you dosed off. What's wrong?"

Jungkook asked. Seokjin smiled at how the younger is so caring.

"I'm fine don't worry about me."


After a while the young couple left and Seokjin laid on his bed reading his book. Hoseok hasn't texted, called or talked to him all day. And it's worrying Seokjin .

He took out his phone from his pocket and sent his boyfriend a text.

Jinnie 💞

Do you want to go to the cafe with me?

Read 5:37 pm.

My Hobi 💘

Can't, I'm busy right now sorry.

Read 5:38 pm.

Seokjin tried to maintain his tears from falling. He decided to go to the cafe by himself to clear off his mind a bit.


Seokjin smiled as the nice soothing tea relaxed his senses. He stared outside the window. The sun shining through, people walking by. He smiled and sighed. The bell of the door jingled signaling that someone opened the door, but he didn't pay much mind to it.

There was a giggle followed by a voice. A too familiar voice that it made Seokjin look to see. He regretted it right away. 


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