#27: Date Pt. 3 ♡

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Seokjin and Hoseok were cuddled together on the couch bed. Warm blankets and a bunch of wrappers from snacks, candy and chips.

A bowl of strawberries on the little desk next to Seokjin, he reached over and plopped one into his mouth.

"What else can you put in your mouth?" Hoseok smirked. Seokjin blushed and looked back at the movie, ignoring the question.

Hoseok poked Seokjin's cheek chuckling. A part of the movie, a creepy looking demon with its scaley skin slowly coming off popped up on the screen.

It turned out that it wasn't Seokjin who was scared, it was Hoseok.

He screamed at the top of his lungs and clung onto Seokjin's arm. Seokjin smiled and his motherly side came on. He brought Hoseok closer and wrapped his arm around him, and his free hand petting Hoseok's head.

"Who's the baby now?"

"Shut up your my baby. In bed too."
Hoseok winked. Seokjin looked away and grabbed another strawberry.

"Do you want strawberry milk? I can make some for you princess?"
Hoseok offered but Seokjin shook his head.

"I don't like strawberry milk."

"But you like strawberries, your eating some right now?"

"I know. I like strawberries but not strawberry flavored things."

Hoseok looked at Seokjin squinting his eyes. He shrugged and they both continued to watch the movie.

Later on as the movie was coming to end, Seokjin had fallen asleep with his head on Hoseok's chest. His arm on his stomach and his leg on top of Hoseok's own legs.

Hoseok chuckled adoringly and turned off the TV. He pulled the covers up to cover them up. He brought Seokjin closer and he sniffed Seokjin's hair. The smell of strawberries aroused from his hair, which Hoseok chuckled at.

He felt sleepiness take over him and he laid his head on Seokjin's.

"Good night princess."



Another update today for all my supportive readers. Love you all.💕

( ̄3 ̄)

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