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🔥 Hot Stuff 🔥

Can you come now? Pleeeeease?

(you guys probably hate me for starting the chapter with this 😂)

🌞 Hobi 🌞

I'm sorry babe, but it's still with me

🔥 Hot Stuff 🔥

Why are you always with HIM and not ME!?

🌞 Hobi 🌞

Just be patient

Read 4:21 pm


"Yes princess?" Hoseok asked as he put his phone away.

"I was wondering if you- me, we can um," Seokjin was fiddling with his fingers as he looked down shyly. He looked so adorable in clothes bigger than him that Hoseok cooed.

"If we could go out? Nothing big just walk around the park probably? I don't want to force you into anything just-"

Hoseok rushed to Seokjin and placed his finger against Seokjin's kissable lips.

"Say no more princess. I'll take you out."

Seokjin smiled happily.


"Of course, let's go."

"Oh look at the butterfly!"

Seokjin got a little excited and grabbed Hoseok's hand to signal him to look. Hoseok smiled, and Seokjin finally realized what he had done. He retreated his hand and looked away trying to hide his blush.

Hoseok chuckled but grabbed Seokjin's hand, and their fingers intwined slowly together. Seokjin looked down at their hands. He looked at Hoseok, and a smile slowly grew on his face.

Hoseok almost felt guilty for playing with Seokjin's feelings. He told himself he wanted to make Seokjin feel loved and happy. And now he's doing the complete opposite. But who cares? Seokjin was always a toy. (ooh! you thought! I'm evily playing with your emotions. ㅋㅋㅋ)

"Do you do this all the time?"

Seokjin asked.

"Do what?"

"Hold hands with someone?"

Hoseok thought about the question. He's actually never done this before.

"No, I've never done this with anyone. Your the first one."

Seokjin smiled once again and looked around the beautiful view of the park. While Hoseok was trying to hide the guilt that's growing inside him.



I had no school today! So I decided to update for you guys since I had this free time. ❤

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