Two~In The Closet

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Cor and I followed Edward to the basement.

"Okay, here it is!"

I raised one eyebrow. "A closet? I know what a closet is", I said.

Edward exhaled and put his hand on his hips and stared at the wall.

"Yes SJ you do know what it is. But you gotta look beyond the surface."

"You tryin' to be poetic Edward?"

Edward opened the closet and turned on the light. "Whoa", Corey and I said in unison.

Edward reviled a panel that covered the closet wall. The only way we could see it was because the difference in shades between the panel and wall.

I walked up to it and ran my fingertips over it. "It's like...a door", I said taking a few steps back.

"What's it open...I mean if it is a door", Corey asked Edward.

"I would tell you if I knew." I turned to face them both. "Let's take a look."

Corey and Edward looked at each other than back to me "let's do it", they said in unison.

I giggled at the way it looked like a movie when they did.

"Let's rip this baby open.", Edward said placing his fingers being the lifted part of the panel. It had no handle.

Once the boys had forced the panel off, we all looked at each other like do we go inside or what?

"Well, don't just stand there!", I said walking into the dark abyss that was once hidden from the world.

The boys joined me inside. Edward got a flashlight out of one of the boxes my father had put in the basement.

We couldn't believe what see where seeing.

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