Four~What Iv Been Tryin' To Find

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My room was beautiful, or it was gonna be. The walls where blue (my favorite) and the floor was hardwood that looked  glossy.

I'd managed to get my bed made, posters on the wall, desk in place and the bookshelf up.

It was 5:47, it had been a few hours since we had found that room. I creeped me out to be honest.

I had so many boxes around on the floor and stacked up. It didn't feel like home...yet.

I'm an old soul kinda girl. I love Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, James Dean. These idols of mine covered my walls. Photos of myself and all my friends did too.

I was far off in a haze of how I was gonna put my room together when my phone rang.

"Hey angel." I held my phones receiver to my chest. (I had a old fashioned phone) I giggled. Corey.

"Yes, that's me."

"Did your dad ever tell you who lived there before you guys moved in?"

I scoffed. "No, he's been to busy doing whatever it is he does. But I'll pester him later about it."

His laughter. It's is my favorite sound in the whole world.

"Can I come and take you out tomorrow?"

I felt like a little kid. Like a girl being asked out for the first time, but really I'd been out with Cor thousands of times before.

"Yes you can sweetness", I said kindly.

"I'll see you tomorrow around 8:30 babe."

"Sounds like a plan to me. I love you."

"Not like how I love you.", he said sweetly.

"That's impossible! Your like the piece of the puzzle that finishes it all. Like...what iv been tryin' to find..." I drifted off into my thoughts.

"You are my whole, My sweet Barbie doll. My diamond, my angel. My Sarah-Jane.", when he said this--I teared up. Nobody ever said things like that to me. (My father does sometimes) Nobody who made me go all...stupid!

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, what?"? I said. I was thinking about those kind words he just said to me.

"Are. You. Okay?", he asked half laughing.

"I'm fine. Just teared up over some of the sweetest words ever been said to me."

I wiped tears from my cheeks.

"I gotta go S, I'll see you tomorrow, love you."

"Nighty night. Love you too."

Once we hanged up I sat smiling at my walls. I'd fallen so hard for this boy.

But little did I know about what crazy test my love would go threw, and little did I know about the secrets that where in the walls of my 'home'.

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