Seven~Girl On The Bridge

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Corey and I ate a Arnold's fast food place, saw a movie, and went to the park which was empty considering it was 9:30.

We where driving to my house. I turned the radio stations looking for something worth listening to.

It was pouring outside, it started about 10 minutes before. The weather station was on and I left the dial alone.

"It's really pouring, so stay off the streets.", the reporter said

"Tell us something we don't know", Corey said.

The flashing of red and blue lights made my heart sink. Corey stopped beside the officer.

"Roads are closed kids. There's been an accident and flooding in this road.", the officer said.

"What street can we take to get to Olsen Drive (mine and Corey's road)?", I asked leaning passed Corey.

"You know that white bridge, little one?"

We both nodded.

"Take that bridge and follow the street and take a left."

"Thanks.", Corey said.

We backed up and headed in the direction of the bridge. "It never rains like this bac...", I stopped because I was going to say 'back home', but this was

"Hmm?", Corey said glancing over at me.

"It never rains like this, I mean iv never seen it rain like this but 3 times in my whole life.", I said.

"That hurricane and floods right?"

"So you do listen to me!", I said messing with him.

He looked at me and smirked. We approached the bridge. Nobody was around, and it was empty. Lighting flashed proving this wrong.

The lightning flashed and the body of a girl appeared out of the blue. Corey jerked the car out of the way and I screamed. Breaks slammed and we jolted forward.

"Oh my God are you okay?!", I asked Corey.

"Yeah. But what about you?"

"Yeah, I think I'm fine, yeah."

I pulled his jaw so he looked at me. I wiped blood from his lip. "Your bleeding!"


I remembered the girl. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and got out of the car. I ran up to the girl and stood in front of her.

"Are you okay? What's your name?", I asked her.

No answer.

"Hello! I'm Sarah Jane. Are you okay?!"

No answer. She just stood there, not even looking at me.

"Can we help you? You need a hospital?"

Still no answer.

Water dropped from my hat. I put my hands on her arms and shook her.

"Can we help you?! Do you need help?!"

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