Chapter 8- Whose The Mean One Now?

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Lucy's POV

I wake up and checked what time it was. It's 11:30 am. I get up and see that my pillow had black stains in it. It was my mascara that rubbed off my face when I was crying last night. I still can't get over what happened. I think I need to get my mind off Mark for a while. So I can clear things up. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. My mom was about to leave. She said goodbye and so did I. I decided to just have a morning walk in the street because it seems like a wonderful day outside. I put on some tights and a adidas t-shirt and put on some shoes and left. I looked on my phone and saw I had a missed call from Kate. I didn't call her back and started to walk. As I passed Mark's house, I sigh and said to myself,

Don't look at his house, he could be watching you right now or he might come out the door so don't look...

I just kept walking and walking when I got bored and just went to the park. I sat down on one of the swings and used my phone.

Mark's POV

I wake up and look on my phone. My phone is still filling up with notifications from fans so I decided to leave that there. I walk over to my window and see Lucy walking down the street. I feel so bad for what I did. Why didn't I back up? I'm so stupid. I decided not to go out and talk to her cuz she's probably still upset.

(30 min later)

I looked on my phone and it was 12. I got bored and went to the park. While I was walking, I see Rebecca with her friends sitting on the side of the road using their phones. Rebecca sees me and walks up to me.

"Hey babe", she says.

"Rebecca I'm not your Babe and never will. Look I can't do this anymore. I have to talk to Lucy!" I say.

"Fine talk to that slut, your not part of the group anymore, oh and we're going to humiliate you so you better watch out", she says.

"First up, Lucy is not a slut, YOU ARE!!! and second, i don't care if you humiliate me, because you have nothing to humiliate me and even if you do, all my supporters will hate on you!" I yelled. It felt so good saying that. I just continued walking and went to the park.

Lucy's POV

I was staring on my phone reading a book when I looked up and see Mark coming. Did he know I went here or is he just to find out? I continued reading and after 30 seconds, Mark was right in front of me.

What's up guys it's samantha!!! Another chapter for you lovelys and btw, if you haven't read my other book called "I used to hate him" which is a Jenzie/ Mackenzie Ziegler and Johnny Orlando fan fic, you should go read it!!! I'm joking you don't have to. Something that I said in my other book is that if you have a Instagram, put it in the comment section and I'll follow you from my main account and so as the account that me and denisse are sharing but anyways...


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