Chapter 19- Stealer!

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Lucy's POV

Once everything was fixed between me and Mark, I reall can't wait until Jacob asks Hannah to be his girlfriend. It's Monday and during the whole entire bus ride, I kept lookin at Jacob because he was sitting down with Hannah. So excited. The bus arrives at school and we all get down. Mark holds my hand and we walk over to Jacob.

"When are you gonna do it?" I ask Jacob.

"I'll probably do it at lunch!" He says.

I not and Mark and I walk to our first period. We were walking until a girl I've never seen before walks with us.

"Hey guys! The name's Ruby! I'm new here", she says.

"I guessed", I said.

"I already know both of you guys but I saw you talking to that Jacob boy and I thought he was really cute!" She says.

"Hmmm", I look at Mark.

"I was wondering if you could get me to be his girlfriend?" She says straight up and I was filled with anger.

"Actually what's way better is that I'll ask him if he wants to hang out after school", she mutters and I quickly look back at Mark with wide eyes.

"Well we gotta go to class now bye", I say while running to class.

Mark's POV

"What are we going to do?" I ask Lucy.

"I Don't know but I really really wanna beat her ass", Lucy says.

"Do you think we shout tell Jacob?" I ask.

She nods. Time went by and it was finally lunch. We face to Jacob. We finally reach him and told him everything. He quickly sat down with Hannah and before he could say anything to her, Ruby sits down next to him.
She asks him if he wants to go to the park with her. He says no but she says,

"Alright see you then!"

And walks off.

I look at Jacob and he gives me a what do I do face.

Don't Call Me That! (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن