Chapter 21

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Mark's POV

School holidays starts tomorrow and I'm really excited because I get to do no school work for 2 weeks. I'm in the middle of science class right now and I couldn't stop looking at Lucy and her new guy partner. There's this new kid at school called tom and god since he got here, all he did every single day is trying to hang out with MY Lucy. Why couldn't I be her lab partner?

(Bell rings)

I quickly cleaned up my station and went up to Lucy.

"So uh what do you think of that new kid?" I ask.

"You mean Tom? Well tbh he's very annoying but cute", she says.

I look at her disapprovingly.

"Don't worry, your 100 times better looking than him", she says smiling.

I smile and we head back to the buses. When we got to put bus, Lucy and I sat at the very back seat. Our friends came to sit with us until we saw Jacob and Hannah holding hands and sitting 2 seats away from us. We all gossip about them and making ship names which was really funny. The bus ride was epic.

Lucy's POV

We got dropped back at home and instead of going to my house I decided to go to Mark's house since he's a little bit uneasy with Tom.

"Will you invite me to your room?" I ask.

"Woah woah calm down were just 13 (I really don't remember how old they are since I've been gone for a long time)", I say chuckling.

"Really?" She says with the "are you kidding right now?" Face.

We went up to his room and sat on his bed. We looked at each other and smiled. Well actually lets just say we kissed and then smiled. That kiss wasn't just any other kiss. That one was passionate and we both loved it. I can't wait to spend my holidays with him.

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