chapter 24

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Mark's POV

I wake up with Lucy next to me. She looked beautiful with or without makeup. I kiss her forehead and I get up. I get ready for the day until I heard a notification go on her phone. I look at all of her noifications and it all was from Tom. Anger suddenly boils inside of me. She didn't even give him her number. I block his number on her phone and put it back down on the table. I get into the bathroom and realise Lucy is awake.

"What ya doing love?" She says in the middle of yawning.

"Just giving my hair", what I would always say.

She comes up and does my hair for me and to be honest, she does my hair way better than I do. I put my hands around her waist while she does my hair. I smile and she smiles. I kissed her forehead and that was when she was done.

"Thanks!" I say.

"No problemo", she replied.

Tom's POV

I kept calling Lucy but she wouldn't answer. I have the biggest crush on her but unfortunately she's taken. I'll do whatever i can do to break her and that stupid Mark. I call one of my girl-friend.

"Hey when are you moving here?" I ask.

"I'm moving today I'm so excited to see my bestie!!!" She screams.

"Ok then btw I met this cute guy and his name is Mark. You guys would totally look cute together", I say.

"OMG I CAN'T WAIT!! hang on is he taken?" She asks.

"No he's not he's available!" I reply.

"Ok I'll see you soon bye"


Phone call ends.

I smirk.

Time to get my future girlfriend!

Hey guys it's Samantha!!! I know I have been inactive but here's another chapter for you guys. I have been so busy with school and the other book I have Been working on. Anyways...


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