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Dumb/Cliché Fanfic Thing: Climaxes 

Girl gets kidnapped, Girl breaks up with Lover, Girl is about to die because of -insert someone/something here-, and Lover always saves them in the nick of time/convinces the Girl to get back together with him because he really does love her.

One word: Overused.

Please, I beg of you, come up with something new! I get the appeal to kidnap the girl if Lover is a superhero, but anything else doesn't get a pass. Make the climax about whether or not the girl is going to go to the party. OR she is stuck in a store for a night. OR her and her friends stay up late reading scary stories, and she's convinced there's someone else in the house besides them.

If you have a story that doesn't have any of those overused ideas, I will gladly read it, just send me the link.

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