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Dumb/Cliché Fanfic Thing: Author Notes 

I get it, every once in a while you might need to tell your readers something and that's fine. But when you've got more parts that are author notes then actual story you've got a problem.

First, you can delete the part if the note it contains is no longer useful. Its just sitting there anyways and it makes your story look bad.

Second, you can put them at the beginning/end of chapters. This doesn't apply to all cases where you need to include an author note but it will make it more likely to be read.

Third, is the comment really necessary? If you're leaving town for 2 weeks and you won't be able to update in that time then fine, put an author note in your story. But if all you're saying is you're sorry for not updating, you can put that atop a new part with a chapter underneath. People will be much more forgiving that way too.

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