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Dumb/Cliché Fanfic Thing: The Guy's P.O.V.

Oh she's beautiful, perfect, smart, wonderful...etc etc etc. Every time without fail, when it switches to the guy's perspective the female is thought of as the perfect human being. Although it's great to think he'd think that, and it's kinda cute/sweet, it gets very old. We understand, she's nice to look at, she's adorable when she sleeps, yatah yatah yatah. Doesn't change the fact that it's annoying and the girl never views him that way (for the most part; his perfectness might be mentioned however). This is especially annoying when it's right after their first meeting.

Also also, when the author writes in the guy's perspective (in a fanfic) and it's so out of character I just want to scream. Drives me up the wall.

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