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Dumb/Cliché Fanfic Thing: Sudden Depression

I'm gonna ask you to take this with a grain of salt. I know depression is a serious matter, and that anyone can get sad at any time, but this is something I've seen in fanfics and thought I should mention.

Things are going fine and stuff for the girl, and suddenly the next chapter she's super depressed. Reasons for this can vary from the author listening to sad music and writing, to not knowing what else to put in the story. I've also seen where at the beginning of the book the girl is depressed then suddenly gets better for a while (usually after meeting him), but then the author remembers the girl was depressed and adds that chapter to put the story 'back on track' (or just to add drama/plot).

Dumb Fanfic Moments or Cliché ThingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora