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Dumb/Cliché Fanfic Thing: Movies

While we're talking about movies, the only genres available in a fanfic are romance or horror. Since I already talked about horror let's talk about romance and everything before/during the actual movie.

Before the film: popcorn and treats galore. Honestly, it might just be the fact that I don't want to have all those treats (I'd eat too much), but who has a bunch of candy to eat specially saved for an event like this? I understand popcorn but....treats? You don't wanna get fat now.

During: it varies for content, sometimes make-out sessions (characters might awkwardly/dreamily look at each other), nothing is explained about the movie, sometimes something sad (which puts the girl to tears), or a full-blown nasty scene comes on. And the fact that the characters didn't see the sex scene coming is bull. Or it's not and they aren't aware they have a movie with this content on it (which is very unrealistic).

After: life goes on (which I have no problem with)

If it was some other movie (most likely the genre is not stated): it varies for when it happens, but the girl will grow tired and fall asleep, thus leaning against the guy. It also varies for what the guy will do, but he most likely will blush as the girl stays unaware. *sigh* Who falls asleep during a movie? Honestly, I haven't fallen asleep during a single movie in all of my existence (everything I can remember, so not counting babyhood [it wouldn't have been my fault if I slept then]).

What's dumb about movies? Same things in every story concerning these bad boys. Spice it up, I recommend.

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