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Dumb/Cliché Fanfic Thing: 'Cheating'

This is essentially when the girl sees the guy cheating on her with someone else. But wait! The someone else kissed him, and he was trying to pull away. It was just a simple misunderstanding!

Ok ok ok ok look. At a glance, I guess I can see how you'd think that, but if he truly loves her, shouldn't she know something else is going on here and not doubt him so easily? Shouldn't it be obvious if he's trying to pull away from the kiss? And how can you just let someone kiss you like that? Smack 'em, pull away, walk off, do something! I feel like this is a short conflict just to add drama and bring movement to the story.

If you're going to make him actually cheat, give a reason for it. Saying he's drunk is ok I guess cause it's better than nothing, but say something! (Don't say he's drunk if he's not drunk though.....don't know why you'd do that.)

And, in addition to that, why would she instantly start fuming and get all hissy? Does she jump to conclusions that quickly? I understand if you're mad that you'd want to slap him and leave, but wouldn't listening to him explain make sense too? I don't know about you, but I'd just watch them and stay quiet, that way you know if he's actually cheating or not.

Moral of the story: don't jump across the frickin' sea to conclusions

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