Chapter 5: Dazai's Suspicions

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"Alright, Dazai. We're here." He glanced at me from the passenger seat.

Dazai arched a brow, giving me a slightly quizzical look. "Or are we?"

I smiled doubtfully. "I think we are."

"If you say so." He yawned.

He and I stayed up pretty late last night, talking mostly.

Dazai's fun to pry. But I'm guessing I was the same way.

I walked onto the shooting range with a rented gun, and 2 pairs of earmuffs in my hands. "Here. Put these on." I broke the silence, nudging him with them.

"Hm? Oh." He grabbed the earmuffs and put them on, making sure to adjust them as slow as humanly possible.

He finally shot me a brief thumbs up. I sighed but nodded and shifted the gun, and my insticts seemed to take over. I could feel my finger pull the trigger 3 or 4 times.

I exhaled and saw each one went straight to the middle. Dazai was smiling at me, an intrigued look was swimming through his eyes

"That's super cool! How'd you do it perfect each time?" He asked, looking suddenly excited.

I shrugged. "Practice, I guess."

"Can you do it again?" I raised an eyebrow, but confided and turned back to the target. As I was about to fire again, I vaguely heard Dazai mumble a few words and put a hand on my back.

Almost all of the shots missed.

"Just as I thought." His hand dropped down to his side, making me turn around.

"What was that?" I asked, reloading my gun as I looked up at him.

"Oh, um. Well, have you ever heard of abilities?"

Editor's note: hahA- this is actually getting me really hyped to read and edit my own story again bc I really do ship Dazai and Y/N 😂

Other editor's note:👌🏼👌🏼

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