Chapter 32: I Promise

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"Hold still!" Dazai protested, still struggling with Lalisa's bandage.

"I would if you weren't so rough!" Lalisa retorted.

I smiled, leaning against the door frame. I didn't really mind that they didn't notice me.

Besides, they look like they're having some sort of fun deep down somewhere.

Very far down, but still there.


"That voice again." I mumbled to myself, looking back around the corner I'd came.

No one was there, standing like some sort of a creepy figure out of a horror movie.

I shrugged and threw once last glance at Dazai and Lalisa before going back to sit on to my bed.

"This is a very eventful day." I sighed out, propping myself up against a pillow.

"Y/N?" The voice repeated.

I was starting to get an uneasy feeling.

And the voice, I've definitely heard it before.


Flashback in Anonymous' P.O.V

"Y/N? Where are you? It's dark and I can't see you!" I hissed softly, my ragged breaths the only sound present.

"I'm coming, just stay where you are, please." Y/N called calmly, her shuffling feet slowly making their way towards me.

"Please hurry, Y/N." I whimpered, hugging the wall.

"I'll be right there. I promise." She mumbled softly.

"You promise?" I whispered shakily.

"I promise."


Your P.O.V

"Hello? Who's there?" I called, looking around quickly.

With no response, I got up and proceeded to hurry to Dazai and Lalisa.

When I was in the room I bent over and caught my breath, my waist slowing my down more than usual.

Dazai and Lalisa looked over at me, stopping their argument.

"You okay?" Lalisa knitted her eyebrows together at the sight of me.

I nodded, still panting from a small burst of shock.

Dazai looked at me and gave me a worried look.

"You're probably just tired from all the running around you've had to do. I never said thank you to you when you rescued us, so, thank you." Dazai mentioned, sending me a smile.

I nodded and smiled back tightly.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Dazai repeated.

"Say yes." The voice whispered softly.

I sighed and looked around, slightly frightened.

"Are we the only ones here?" I asked, limping over to Dazai.

"Yeah. I think so. Why?" He asked, grabbing onto my arm to steady me.

"Did something happen?" I swallowed a lump in my throat and shook my head hesitantly.

"No. Nothing happened." I answered, looking away.

"Are you sure?" Lalisa inquired

"Yeah. Don't worry about me."

The voice is gone. I know it's not in my head.

It can't be, because I'm not crazy.


I frowned and sat back on the bed in Yosano's room.

She and Ranpo had come back earlier. Thankfully, they were ok.

Probably thanks to Yosano's healing. I wonder how it works.

My thoughts were interrupted by another visit of the familiar feminine voice.

"Y/N?" I sat up straight, trying not to show how frightened I was.

"Who are you?"

"You promised."


Editor's note: I have no idea what the fuck I was thinking but oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️

One Extra Life, Please. [Dazai x Reader] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz