Chapter 20: Playing with Fire

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Lalisa scoffed, asking stubbornly,"Why?"

"Do I need to explain it again?"

"Oh, god please no. I don't want to hear it again. I'm just wondering why I should."

I sighed out, irritated.

"I still have a pistol, ok? All I want is to just make sure my friends are ok." I explained softly, bending down and looping my fingers around the cuff before leading her back out of the room.

She was sent into another fit of small angered mumbles.

I turned around to face her, her mumbles involuntarily stopping.

"Because I'm expecting you to. And I need you to do this. Prove to me you're not the weird, weird person I thought you were, okay?" I explained softly. 

"I'm not weird," She insisted, letting out an irritated scoff.

I arched a brow.

She just shook her head. "Whatever, it doesn't matter." 

"Please?" I repeated.

She pursed her lips and frowned, deep in thought.

"Fine, but you owe me," She grumbled, but after a few seconds of silence, she added enthusiastically, "But you have to take the handcuffs off so I can do this,

"You did it perfectly fine without the other time"

"I didn't have them on when I did that." She replied, making an excuse.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and slowly unlocked the cuffs, suddenly feeling very relieved for the pistol in my band.

"Don't make me regret this," I mumbled softly, taking the cuffs and stuffing them in my back pocket. Since they were Dazai's, I didn't know if he wanted them back or anything.

"Ah! Freedom!" She gushed, brushing her hair to the side almost immediately. Which, to be fair, I understood, because, after all of that just happened, she looked like she definitely needed it.

"Ok, I get it. You're free. Now please do it."

She glanced uneasily at me.

"Ok." She agreed.

She walked up to me and tightly latched onto my wrists.

"What are you—"

She smiled and snapped her fingers in my face.

"Did you have to snap your fingers right in my face?" I mumbled, dusting off my pants.

She nodded. "Well, I needed to snap my fingers to get here, so, yeah, actually,"

I scoffed. "What are you, 12?" 

"And a half." She shrugged, smiling smugly.

"Whatever. Is this the right one?" 


"Universe." I clarified.

She hummed in response. "Oh yeah. We're in.."

I raised a brow in disbelief, "Do you not know?"

"It's not like I spend my free time going through each and every one, Y/N,"

After a few seconds of silence, I said," I mean, I guess. But, then where would everyone be?" I asked, letting the previous conversation slip.

"Well, there's a certain place your little friend Dazai likes to hide out in." She explained, looking around, and continuing, "It's coincidentally by the docks, like literally everything else, it seems,"

I nodded, keeping my eyes on her.

"This way." She gestured, turning around and walking the other way.

I stared at her, wary at how comfortable she was. But, nonetheless, I followed her.

"Here?" I asked doubtfully, looking around the, yet again, rundown warehouse.

"Yes." She turned around, giving me an innocent look as she asked, "Unless you don't want to find them?" 

"No, no. I just've had enough warehouses to last a lifetime." She quickly chuckled.

"I know what you mean. Now come with me, I think there's a side entrance,"

"Why not go in the front?" I arched a brow and she stopped.

Lalisa turned to me, explaining a little too fast"Because it's easier to get in through the side,"

I pulled my lips into a thin line, slowly getting a bit more suspicious.

"Come with me." She repeated, gesturing for me to follow her.

I just sighed and followed through

She smiled, holding the door open for me, "Here." 

I cringed. "Oh, I'm not doing that. You first,"

She hesitated for a moment but ended up walking casually inside, as if she wanted to show me nothing was wrong.

She then stood there and put her hands up, as if to say 'told you so!'.

I narrowed my eyes at her "Why is everyone so weird today," I mumbled, ruffling my own hair as I stepped in and looked around.

"Lalisa, there's no one here—"I trailed off, my eyes widening in realisation.

Damn, I knew it.

Lalisa spoke, forcing me out of my thoughts. "You're playing with fire, Y/N," 

"What did you—" I was cut off by a hand slapping over my mouth.

A/N- Ahh I'm sorry I didn't update for a couple of days! And I don't know if this is just me, but if this starts to get bad, please tell me and I'll try to fix it. Thank you for giving this story so much love and support. I'm grateful! 

Editor's note: lmaoo what a difference :))

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