Chapter 6: Abilities and The Port Mafia

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"Abilities?" I passed Dazai a question-filled look and racked my brain for an answer.

I answered unsurely, because they did sound familiar. "Uh, no. I don't think so."

I added, "Why?" Dazai furrowed his brows and looked past me. But, his lips curved up into a small smile.

"No reason,"

"Ok? Well, whatever. The session's time window is almost up."

Dazai nodded, his expression serious again.

"You can stay here. I really um—" He paused momentarily, "Need to go to the bathroom!" He burst, running the other direction.

My brows knitted in confusion as I watched him run off. We'd seen the bathrooms coming in, and he was going in the complete wrong direction.

Dazai's P.O.V

As I ran off, I gritted my teeth together. She obviously has to have some kind of a ability, considering what just happened.

But, for the moment, that was the least of my worries.

I turned a corner to come face to face with the man who I'd expected the least to see, but was standing there anyway. The man turned around and looked startled to see me.

"What are you—" Akutagawa cut himself off, a slightly surprised tone taking over his voice. I put my hands up.

"Go ahead, do something. See what happens," I dared, putting my hands down by my side. Akutagawa hesitated.

"That's what I thought." I mumbled, giving him a conniving look.

"Akutagawa, it seems we've gotten ourselves into a sticky situation."

"Don't you think I don't already know?" He spat.

"You won't find anyone who can tell you anything."

I glanced back around the bend out of the corner of my eye, at Y/N taking ammo out of the gun and putting it away.

"What? There had to be someone," He argued, his fists balling up by his sides..

"There's not. But we're in the same situation. Except I have a pretty good idea of what's going on." I folded my arms.

"Well then, please. Enlighten me."

I shook my head. "Prove that I trained you right all those years ago."

I smiled and waved. "Good luck."

Your P.O.V

"The human body shouldn't take that long to go to the bathroom." I told him, looking up at Dazai. He just shrugged.

"Well, I'm done." He said. I nodded and sighed, just deciding to leave it there and walk away. But as I did, I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"Before we go, I wanted to ask you something."

I slightly raised my eyebrows, hinting at him to go on. I focused on Dazai, who still had a oddly straight face.

"Y/N, who are you?"

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