a new book / rewrite

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honestly it just makes me laugh at this point when I get comments about people not understanding what's going on. bc like,, okay,,,, same?? what's your point?? this book is full of plot holes, has unnecessary twists and was honestly just 11 year old me trying to draw out the first book i ever seriously wrote.

obviously, this story is still legible because it has a lot of reads and comments and whatever and has been read through by many people, but I'm going to be honest, I wrote this when I was 11. (just a hint to the comparison, I'm turning 17 in 5 months) It may not make sense, you may get confused, but i tried so hard to detach myself from this story that I don't even know what's going on anymore either.

Still, I can't keep telling people that I, the one who wrote this story out of my own imagination, don't understand the story I wrote.

I've grown exponentially as a writer in the 4-ish years since I've written this book, and I think it's finally time to showcase that and make this book good. It might take an entirely new book to take out the things that don't make sense, or to add in new parts, but so be it.

stay tuned for the rewrite going up on my profile~

- grace x

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