Chapter 10: A Pleasure

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A/N: ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)

"Dazai, we can't go out looking for Jung." I protested, running up to and latching onto his arm.

"Yes, we can. You said he's still partially your friend, he should be your friend entirely if he's so close to you." He argued, making a fair point as he dragged me out the lobby of my apartment building.

"Dazai," He stopped and turned around to face me.

"Where does he live?" Dazai asked, staring at me as the slightest bit of regret was showing through his eyes.

"Dazai this doesn't matter.

"What are you talking about? It does. When I first met you, you seemed to trust him completely when I asked you those questions." Dazai pointed out, his words wavering.

"Well, I, I was just leaning on old superstitions! Jung isn't like that to me anymore." I protested.

"Well, I think you should at least talk to him!" Dazai said a small fragment of frustration oozing out of his words.

"Dazai!" I pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"Really, I'm fine. I swear." I said, rubbing my wrist.

"Well, then you'll be even better when we meet Jung."

"Dazai! Don't you get it?! I don't want anything to do with him!" I uttered.

"Y/N." Dazai put a finger to his lips and looked around frantically, but almost casually at the same time.

"Come on!" Dazai grabbed my hand and pulled me into the nearest store. I tripped and made a squeak in surprise.

"What the-" Dazai cut me off.

"Shh!" Dazai motioned to a paranoid looking man with black hair, and white tips pacing outside the store.

He sighed.

"I should've known this would happen." He dug around in the pockets inside his jacket, then the ones on the outside, from which he pulled out a small black device.

He threw it on the ground and stepped on it, twisting his foot, admitting a crackling noise from the device.

He looked down at me in the eye.

"I didn't want to meet Jung. I know you hate him, I just wanted to get you away from your apartment. I'm sorry." Dazai chided, sending me a small smile..

"Oh." I sputtered softly. He looked behind me and fear swam through his eyes as he pushed me around so my back was facing the storefront window.

"Dazai, out of all the places in the city, why did you pull me into a liquor store? I'm not even 21!" I whispered, struggling to keep the laughter out of my voice.

"Oh. Is that what this is? I just saw the olive with the face on the sign." He shrugged.

"You're so childish." I scolded jokingly, sneaking a glance around my back.

A set of black eyes were staring back. I turned back around, with a no doubt terrified look on my face.

"What is it?" Dazai said, without taking his gaze off of a wine bottle's label.

I whispered softly, "He's seen me."

"It's fine. He doesn't know who you are." He reassured me.

"Are you sure? He looks like he knows me!" I babbled quietly.

"He can't. He wouldn't remember you. He really shouldn't remember you," He trailed off.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Y/N, we have to go, and when you aren't with me, you need to stay out of his sight. You need to move around." He said.

He added, "And, don't lock yourself in your apartment." I sighed, my initial plan now crossed out.

"Fine, but how are we possibly getting out?" I urged.

"There's a back door." He answered, peering over the shelves.

"I thought you said you've never been here bef-"

He cut me off by taking my wrist lightly and pulling me around some shelves, and some more, and more.

Finally, he decided to let go of my hand when we reached the said door.

"Ok, um so-" Dazai took a step back and kicked the door open.

"Oh!" I laughed in surprise.

He feigned a smile, "Sorry."

"Dazai-san." The familiar black haired man stood there, outside the door frame with his pale fists clutched.

"Oh, ok. Do you make it a habit to jump around people?" He fumed.


"No, but Atsushi is still better than you." Dazai returned, his tone joking.

"Y/N, do you really believe him?" The man turned towards me.


"She doesn't have to answer anything." Dazai insisted, taking a step forward.

"Please! Come with me! Help me get back home!" The man begged me, genuine distress showing on his face.

"Home?" I mused quietly.

"Don't answer him, Y/N." Dazai said.


It was like a devil and angel were sitting on my shoulders, but they both wanted the same thing. In this instance, I didn't know how to distinguish the two. So I decided not to listen to either of them.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, rubbing my temples.

"The both of you are making everything so jumbled up." I complained, giving both of them a glare

They both stopped talking and stared at me.

"I don't entirely know this is about. I don't know what I would do to help someone who claims they're from a different universe. It's nothing I've ever heard of, or dealt with."

"Why would I help someone who claims to be from a different universe?" I spoke slowly.

"Y/N," Dazai looked over at me.

"Look, I mean, I guess that isn't true." I snuck a quick glance at Dazai.

"But why are you expecting me of all people to send you back to a different universe?" Dazai and the man exchanged glances.

"Tell her!" The man growled, looking at Dazai and  gritting his teeth.


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