Chapter 16: That One

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"Dazai!" I tried to grab the edge of his coat as he stood up, but to no avail, the fabric slipped out from between my fingers.

She smiled that dangerous smile and looked back at him, "Oh?" 

Dazai gave her a small smile back, and though it didn't seem friendly, he asked her, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back safe and sound in your own universe?"

"Oh no, no. I couldn't let you have all of the fun with her." The woman pointed in my direction and I scooted back towards the wall quietly.

She began to assure me, putting out a hand, "It's okay. Don't hide from me."

"I think you're seeing things, in the only one here." Akutagawa came in, looking around as his eyes passed right over mine.

I gulped and smiled nervously, putting a finger to my lips. He made no signs of noticing me at all. Instead, he just made a small noise that I presumed meant he was annoyed in some way.

"You mentioned them."

"Who?" The woman asked nonchalantly, looking back at him as if he was just a side matter to her.

Dazai looked her straight in the eye as he spoke. "I'm not here to play any games, miss."

"I wasn't expecting you to. You've been missing for around a week, I couldn't help but think that your friends missed you." She smiled kindly, earning an eye roll from Akutagawa.

I fought back the urge to cringe. It was obvious to me that Dazai's friends weren't really here. So, I tried to reach out to him as I whispered faintly, "Dazai!"

"Y/N, are you going to come out now?" The woman said, motioning to my outstretched hand, aiming for the rim of Dazai's trench coat.

I cringed. But all I could do was stand up, shamefully looking at the ground.

Dazai gave me a worried look but I shook it off.

She smiled, looking pleased that I'd finally shown myself. "Well!"

"Good thing you're out," she looked at the part of my body that was still behind the shelf, "Sort of,"

I took in a breath, responding, "I'm fine here, thanks."

"Who said I was moving you?" She turned around and gave Akutagawa small smile as if it meant something.

Apparently, it did, because he quickly replied, "I'm not your slave, get them yourself if you want."

"Get who?" I asked slowly. I tried to ask Dazai this when I noticed him trying to sneak past the woman.

"Ah, " She grabbed the collar of his coat from the back and suspended him a few inches in the air. "You aren't going anywhere."

"Stay still. This won't hurt if you don't think about it." She assured him, her fist balled up.

I ran to grab her arm, "Stop!"

"What? Afraid I'll hurt him?" She asked innocently.

I didn't say anything as I gripped her wrist tighter.

Akutagawa seemingly had enough as he yelled out to me, "Y/N, stop!"

"Why?" I mumbled, not daring to break my concentration on the woman's hand.

Akutagawa's P.O.V

She doesn't realise. Neither of them realises. They don't know how dangerous she -whoever she is- is.

I let out a small groan in irritation. Because they wouldn't listen to me. It might be fun seeing Dasani struggle, but seeing Y/N struggle just didn't sit right.

The woman's smile broadened after hearing me, going back to fending off Y/N.

"You know what, fine. I'll be right back." I sighed irritatedly, turning on my heel and leaving the mess to play itself out.

I walked around to the back of the warehouse, looking for where she had been keeping Kunikida and Atsushi. The cell was an obvious place, but by the looks of it, you would never guess that anyone could be in there.

"Control freak," I mumbled, looking at the numerous locks on the door to the cell. I knocked on it, watching the two inhabitants look up from the back.

"It's time to go," I told them.

"You better let us go, for real. I can't say what happens to you after if you don't!"

"Hey, be polite!" A quieter voice told the other faintly.

A small smile lifted at the corners of my lips, "Ready to see Dazai and company?"

"And company? Who else are you torturing?" I smiled as I remembered the little white lie.

When the woman had first found me and asked for my help, she told me to stick with this lie, and play along with it 'for the sakes of a few people'. I didn't know what she meant until she brought me here.

After a quiet conversation between the two figures in the back, they stood patiently by the door.

I grinned, "You didn't attack me? Impressive."

"He talked me out of it." A blonde man with a ponytail mumbled.

"I bet," I nodded, a grimace appearing on my face. "But it doesn't matter, just follow me."

A/N: So I don't know but I was maybe thinking about updating twice today. It's not a promise but I think I'll have time. :)

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