It Was The Fates Plan All Along

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It Was The Fates Plan All Along


I walked out of the room. I could hear her sobbing through the walls. I grabbed my shoes and jacket, and walked out the door. I slammed it. I ran down the steps not waiting to see if she was following me.

"Please Percy, don't do this!" She cried.

I stopped in my tracks. "Give me one good reason. One good reason why I shouldn't leave you!"

"I'm sorry! Isn't my love enough?"

"Not this time. Not after what you did."

She banged on the door. "Get off my car, Rachel!"

"Percy, please," she screamed. "Don't leave me!"

"Get off my car!"

She stepped away and I pulled out of the driveway. In my mirror I could see her crying. I drove to the only place I knew best.
The beach.
Once I parked, I got out of the car. I ran to the beach and sat down on the sand. I brought my knees up to my chest and tried not to cry. Rachel and I were done for. She's cheated on me with my best friend. Ex-best friend, I thought bitterly. And tonight I was going to propose. I put my head on my knees as o started crying. I heard another person, and turned to see a blonde girl, crying on the bench. I felt bad so I walked over to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sniffling. She lifted her head up, her eyes red and puffy. She nodded.

"I'm perfectly fine," she muttered, wiping her eyes.

"So what happened to you?" I asked. I mentally slapped myself at how stupid that sounded.

"Why do you care? We barely know each other."

I sat down. "Well, maybe if you told me, you might feel better. I'll tell you what happened to me."

"My fiancé, cheated on me. With the wedding stylist. The best part, is that she's pregnant! With his child!" Her voice broke at the end and tears ran down her face.

"That's harsh."

"No kidding," she said. "What about you?"

"My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend. And I was going to propose tonight," I said. She winced and I sighed.

"This is the ring." I took it out and showed it to her.

"Wow, its beautiful."

"My friend made it for me, Leo-"

"Valdez?" She finished.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"He's an old friend from high school."

"Goode?" I asked.


"It's a small world. I went there too."

"I know. I recognize you."

I blushed and smiled a bit.

"I uh, gotta go," she said. "Thanks for making me forget about Logan."

"Same to you. Wait, what's your name?"

"Annabeth Chase."
5 years later

I walked into my house.

"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled.

"Percy, shush! You'll wake the baby!" She spoke too soon.

We heard a cry from upstairs. "I will kill you! I just got her to bed!"

When she finally came down I wrapped my arms around her waist. "How was your day?"

"Just fine. Sally cried all afternoon, and it made me feel horrible. Am I a bad mother?" Annabeth asked.

"You're the best mom in the whole world, Annabeth."

She smiled in thanks. "You're the best dad in the whole world."

"I know," I chuckled and she rolled her eyes. Annabeth lightly punched my shoulder and I winced.

"Ouch. Annabeth gave me a booboo," I said.

"There's more where that came from."

I smiled at her. She was all I ever wanted. After I met her, we talked constantly. All our friends made fun of us, saying we were gonna get married someday. And here we were, married with one kid and another coming along.

I bent down in front of her stomach, and kissed it. "Hey, buddy. I'm your Daddy and I hope your not bothering Mommy. She already has enough to handle with me and your sister."

"How do you know it's a boy, Percy?" Annabeth asked. "It could be another girl."

"Father intuition."

"Well, Daddy, the baby said to go and kiss Mommy."

"Will do, baby," I said to her stomach. I got up and kissed Annabeth. It felt like magic. When we pulled away, Annabeth smiled at me.

"How about we go to sleep? We've got a few hours..." Annabeth trailed off, her eyes suggesting something.

I blushed, realizing what she meant. "Oh-uh-yeah, um...yes!"

She giggled and led me to our bedroom. And let me just say, we barely got any sleep.

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