Lit (not a chapter//actually a tag)

568 13 51

I got tagged by @Fire_Guard_

-Title has to be Lit (I've already cheated sorry!)
- You can't refuse
- You have a week to complete
- No replying to comments
- Tag 15 people (I don't know 15 ppl. here so I will not be tagging others)
- State 13 facts about yourself

1. I still have a crush on my friend

2. I've learned how to sew things back together

3. I'm a science geek. It's my favorite subject. Especially BIOLOGY!!!

4. I love to explore, but I'm really lazy

5. I love using italics

6. I'm a Leo

7. In the chapter about Deaf!Annabeth, I actually sit on the floor pretending I'm a crumb, that's where I got that part from.

8. I have 30 something cousins (first, not second)

9. I love reading cheesy romance books (TO ALL THE BOYS IVE LOVED BEFORE BY JENNY HAN IS THE ONE I JIST READ AND IVE FINISHED THE SECOND AND OH MY GODS) but I hate it when the characters act REALLY STUPID in their lovE CHOICES!

10. I keep things that have sentimental value to me. I have this piece of pink rope around my pink from one of my cousin's cousin.

11. I hate flip flops and sandals.

12. I have 60+ books. (It'll get bigger trust me)

13. My favorite number is 13

That's all for today! I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you ever have any questions about me, feel free to ask!

Unless you ask something creepy.

I'll just ignore you.

Q: how old do y'all think I am?



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