I Wish I Didn't Care All The Time Part 2

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BTW: All past one shots are on my old account, and part 1 of this is/are on there for any new readers!
Now to the story!

"Just me and you and you and me alone"

Of all things that could go wrong, this had to be the worst.

Annabeth had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and was currently throwing up her entire lunch. She wiped her face, and tried to calm down.


The blonde looked up, and saw her best friend, Thalia, walk into the girl's room.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Thalia asked incredulously.

Ananbeth groaned, and let her head fall onto the cool toilet seat. Which wasn't very sanitary, but if you were in her position you would understand.

"Percy happened," she replied.

Thalia locked the door to the bathroom. "What do you mean, 'Percy happened'?"

"Well, you know how he took my virginity?"

Thalia look at the girl. It was the first time Annabeth had openly spoke about what happened between her and the boy.


"In our hassle to get off, Percy forgot to um- put on a condom," Annabeth looked down, suddenly interested in her shoes.

Thalia's jaw dropped. "He what?!"

Annabeth nodded. "And I took a test, and I'm pregnant!"

"Annie... what- what are you going to do?" Thalia asked.

"I have no idea. I can't tell Percy, he's dating Rachel! My parents don't know yet, so I can't go to them. I don't know what to do!"

Thalia looked at her best friend. "Whatever you decide, I'll be here for you."
"I guess I'm just a play date to you"

Annabeth was lying on the couch, when her father entered the house.

"Hey honey, how are you? Thalia said you came home sick."

Its now or never, Annabeth thought.

"Actually there's something I have to tell you, Dad," Annabeth began. "A few weeks ago, at Erika's party, someone spiked the drinks. Me and Percy were both drinking the punch, unaware of the alcohol in it. One thing lead to another, and we ended up having sex."

Annabeth's father stood stock still. Annabeth continued with her story.

"And the next few days after that, I felt sick. And I was late. Dad, I'm so sorry!"

Fredrick finally spoke. "So you're telling me that you're pregnant. With Percy's child."


"Have you told him yet?"

Annabeth looked down. "No, not yet."

Fredrick took a seat next to Annabeth. "Honey, I think it would be best if you tell him. Before you ask, I'm not mad. I will support you with whatever decision you make, whether it be keeping the baby, or aborting it."

Annabeth felt tears prick at her eyes. She hugged her father, and sobbed in his shirt. "Thank you, Dad."


"What should I do? Dad said I should tell Percy, but I don't think he'll handle it well."

Piper let her head fall onto her hand. "Annabeth, in the end, this is your decision. If you want to tell Percy, then tell him. But, don't feel pressured into it. If you tell Percy, you tell Percy. If you don't, then you have all of us for support."

"Thanks, Piper. That really helped," Annabeth said, giving a small smile.

She was standing outside his door.

She was standing outside his door.

She was-

"Hey, Annabeth."

Hey guys! Sorry for being so absent, I've just been really busy with school, but now it's over!
Btw: I told my friend I liked him.

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