Well Who Would Have Thought.

674 42 16

Age 17
Mortal AU

Annabeth looked at the girl again. She didn't waver in her gaze, transfixed on Percy.

"...beth? Annabeth? Wise Girl?" Percy snapped his fingers in front of Annabeth and she finally turned to him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she said, though the tight smile she gave him differed from her words. Percy let it slide, as he just wanted to spend time with her.

Their food soon arrived, and with it a drink.

"Uh, we didn't order this," Percy said.

"That girl over there actually sent this," the waiter said, and then left.

Annabeth frowned. "You have got to be kidding me. Why do you have to be so hot?!"

Percy blushed. "Uh...Sorry?"

Annabeth slapped her forehead, looking down at her shoes. "It's just- sometimes-! I- UGH!"

Percy's eyebrow raised. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

She continued to angrily eat her food, viciously chomping down on everything. Annabeth was about to speak when someone appeared next to their table.

It was the brunette.

Annabeth straightened in her chair. "Yes?" She asked, the venom drilling off her throat.

Percy's eyes widened and kept his mouth shut. His eyes flickered between the two girls, who seemed to be in a showdown.

At least that's what he thought.

The girl, on the other hand, was sweating with nerves. She switched her weight onto each leg, looking as if she had to pee really badly. "Uh-"

"Well, get on with it!" Annabeth shouted, her tone over the top.

The girl blushed furiously, and stammered, "I think you're really pretty, would you like to go out on a date? With me, I mean!"

Annabeth's mouth snapped shut, and Percy silently snickered.

She was looking at me?! Annabeth thought.

"Uh- I'm sorry, no? I'm- this- he's my boyfriend," Annabeth stuttered, her cheeks a light pink. The girl turned to Percy, who then (smirking, the little bastard) waved.

The brunettes eyes turned cold. "Oh? Well. When you're done with that, call me!"

She then left a small piece of paper in front of the blonde and walked away.

"Did she really just call me a that?" Percy asked.

"She was eyeing me. Oh my god."

They looked at each other, and slowly, very slowly, started laughing.

I find this, fucking hilarious.

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