The Line

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"Hell is so close to Heaven" ~Strays by Sleeping with Sirens
Mortal AU (we're gonna pretend that Percy believes in heaven and hell, not Hades and Elysium.)
BTW GUYS- This will be a multi-part series. Percabeth will not be physically introduced until a few chapters in. But they are hinted at.

"Welcome. Do you like pineapple on your pizza?"

I opened my eyes to see a short, young girl in a white flowing dress, standing in front of me. "What?"

She sighed. "Do you like pineapple on your pizza?"

I scowled. "I guess?"

"Oh, okay. Follow me." She pulled me up, and for looking very young, she was freakishly strong.

And since I didn't really know where I was, I followed her. "Uh, where am I?"

She giggled. "The Inbetween, obviously!"

"You say this like I know what you're talking about," I replied.

She pouted, stopping in her tracks. "Oh. I forgot I'm supposed to- okay! The Inbetween, where we currently are, is a place where souls are taken to either Hell or Heaven!"

"What's the deciding factor?"

"Well, we usually review your entire life. And then I have the honor to ask you a question! Your question was 'do you like pineapple on pizza.'" She continued walking, and we navigated our way through a small forest.

"Did I pass?" I asked, brushing aside a branch.

"Well, yeah. I picked your question based on how you lived your life. A lot of the stuff you did revolved around pizza."

I thought back to my life and I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess so. Living in the city does that."

"Okay, we're here." She stopped in front of two huge black doors and knocked twice. They swung open, and she went through.

"Well, are you coming? Heaven doesn't wait for everyone." She turned back around and continued on inside.

I rushed after her, and followed her down a large hallway. There were paintings lining the walls, all of different people. One was of a duo, one girl and one boy. They were all smiling and had their arms around each other.

"Who are they?" I asked. The girl stopped and looked at the picture I was point to.

"That's Reyna and Nico. They are some of the people who protect the Line." She smiles wistfully, and continued down the hall.

We soon entered a grand ballroom, where in the direct center, was seated a girl with chopped brown hair. She was wearing ripped jeans with a beaten pair of converse and a Hello Kitty t-shirt.

"Thank you, Lacy. You can go back to the dinning hall now," she said, smiling kindly at Lacy.

"Okay, Piper. Bye Percy! Have fun!" Lacy said to me, disappearing in a flash of light.

The girl, Piper, stood up and regarded me. Her kaleidoscope eyes scanned me, and she leaped off the throne and landed in front of me. I stood stock still, waiting to see what she would do to me.

Then she burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, you should have seen your face! I've never seen someone so terrified in my death!" She said, doubling over with silent laughter.

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